Identify particular strengths and weaknesses of the set

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Reference no: EM131523399

The Final Project will be a 10- to 12-page research study that will require you to gather and explain raw data, arrange the data, analyze the data, and offer meaningful conclusions as to what the data show.

Use Chapters 5 and 6 of this week's required readings for assistance on the construction of the paper's introduction and purpose statement.

Raw data may be drawn from a singular source, though referral to multiple sources, including secondary sources, is highly encouraged. The arrangement, analysis, and conclusions must be original.

Specifically, you will evaluate criminal justice data, interpret published research findings, and apply scientific methodology to answer a criminal justice research question.


In this section, you must

Introduce a research problem or question.

Include a thesis statement that identifies the purpose of conducting the research study.

Encapsulate the impact of the conduct of the study.

Literature Review

In this section, you will

Provide the body of knowledge that previous researchers have generated.

Describe how your research builds upon the base of knowledge already in existence.


Explanation of Data Sets

In this section, you must

You must explain where your data were originated.

Identify and specifically define the data set being used, its origin(s), and its composition.

Data can be acquired from a variety of sources.

The sites listed below are excellent sources from which to obtain secondary data.

Southern Poverty Law Center

Anti-Defamation League

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Explain why this particular data set was chosen.

Identify particular strengths and weaknesses of the set.

Arrangement of Data

In this section, you must detail the manner in which you arranged the data set so as to permit analysis and inference.

Particularly in the case of a methodological approach applying quantitative principles, you are encouraged to use charts and graphs to explain your data arrangement. Specifically, you must

Explain the methodologies and statistical techniques used in research in criminal justice.

Evaluate criminal justice data with specific reference to a methodological approach.

Explain the principles of your selected approach.


Data Analysis

It is important that you use this step in the process for analyzing the data to determine what it shows, not the meaning of what it shows. In this section, you must

Describe how you analyzed the data.

Explain the conclusions drawn from the data analysis.

Explain the inferences drawn from your data analysis.


Finally, in this section, you must

Identify and discuss the findings of your research study.

Examine justifiable conclusions and inferences resulting from the data analysis.

Explain the methodologies and statistical techniques used in research in criminal justice.

Apply scientific methodology to answer a criminal justice research question.

Summarize the entirety of your study by restating the purpose and consolidated outcomes of data set selection, data set arrangement, data analysis, and conclusions.

The Final Project

Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student's name

Course name and number

Instructor's name

Date submitted

Must use at least six peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types.

If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor.

Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Reference no: EM131523399

Questions Cloud

Produce a chart showing the number of line segments : Annotate the lines of output of the SolveTowers program in this chapter to show the recursive steps. Produce a chart showing the number of moves.
Discuss how the given factors affect population growth rate : Discuss how these factors affect the population growth rate in the U.S. Be sure to list at least three factors and provide statistical data in your analysis.
What is the npv of this project : What is the NPV of this project?
What was communicated in the conversation : Discuss the content of the conversation. What was communicated in the conversation, and who were the communicators
Identify particular strengths and weaknesses of the set : Describe how your research builds upon the base of knowledge already in existence.Identify particular strengths and weaknesses of the set.
What is the annual payment on the consolidated loan : What is the annual payment on the consolidated loan?
Political challenges of the chip : On the basis of your understanding about CHIP, 2 to 3 pg report in a Microsoft Word document on the political challenges regarding the CHIP.
Identify potential hazards in the department : Identify potential hazards in the department and develop a schedule when you will check on the performance of the equipment.
Define the nonattacking queens problem : Design and implement a recursive program that solves the NonAttacking Queens problem. That is, write a program to determine all ways in which eight queens.


Write a Review

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