Identify other risk domains and factors contributing

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133575160 , Length: 3 pages

Phase: Procurement Analysis

VP Operations at MediCrystals has hired your team to leverage expertise around 3 critical areas her team has identified. First, the manager of the Procurement and Sourcing team has heard from the CPO that some of the critical suppliers are facing operational challenges due to the pandemic. She intends to develop a high-level risk scoring methodology or rationale to score the suppliers and review mitigation activities currently in place. Based on the supplier data available, the Risk Compliance Manager has currently identified two risk domains, finance and regulatory. As part of the regulatory risk domain, she intends to score each supplier based on the risk factors: labor unrests and environmental incidents. She wants your team to identify other risk domains and factors contributing to the risk domains based on the available supplier data, develop a comprehensive risk scoring methodology, and identify suppliers that pose the most risk.


Submit an executive summary (3 pages, single-spaced); include all of your work.

Article - Building the Supply Chain for COVID-19 Vaccines

Reference no: EM133575160

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