Identify one statement of comprehensive income

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131681796

Auditing and Assurance Services Individual Assignment

Assess audit risk, list key assertions and audit evidence of Kathmandu holding limited

1. Assuming that going concern is not an issue, identify two (2) key asset accounts at risk. This will be from the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet).

2. For each of the two asset accounts identified above:?
a. Provide a brief explanation as to why the asset account is at risk;?
b. List the key assertion (as per ASA315.A124) where the audit effort should be concentrated
c. Describe one substantive test of detail you would perform to gather sufficient ?appropriate evidence in relation to the assertion identified in b. above.

3. Identify one Statement of Comprehensive Income (Income Statement) expense account at risk, which is unrelated to the asset accounts identified in 1 above. Provide a brief explanation of why it is at risk and list the key assertions (as per ASA315.A124) at risk.

Verified Expert

This small project is on tha auditing and assurance slandered which mainly focused on the right and duty of auditor's and managing director as well as duty and responsibilities of the independent directory

Reference no: EM131681796

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10/16/2017 3:52:39 AM

One expense account. (These accounts must be from Kathmandu) You should identify relevant key assertion from classes of transactions only in this section such as occurrence, completeness, accuracy, cut-off, classification and presentation (less likely). No mark if more than one key assertion provided. 1 mark for identifying expense account 1 mark for explanation of why account is at risk. 1 mark for identifying key assertion as per ASA315.A124(a) (2015) or ASA315.A128 (a)(2016)


10/16/2017 3:52:30 AM

Two asset accounts. (These accounts must be from Kathmandu) You must explain why you think the particular account is at risk. Only one assertion needs to be identified. If you provide more than one assertion then no mark will be awarded. Substantive test must be relevant to the account chosen and not from the textbook. 0.5 mark for each for identifying asset account at risk?1 mark each for explanation of why account is at risk. 1 mark for each for identifying key assertion as per ASA315.A124(b)(2015) or ASA315.A128 (b)(2016) 1 mark for each substantive test


10/16/2017 3:52:20 AM

Assessment criteria The accuracy and correctness of your answer or analysis for each of the questions will be the primary criteria for grade differentials in this assignment. Please refer to the marking criteria below. Each of the individual assignment will be marked out of 10 marks (weighting 5% to total assessment mark). Expense account Explanation why a risk Key Assertions (Identify more than one assertion for expense account) Assessment Marking Criteria Requirement Content Marks


10/16/2017 3:52:11 AM

1.Post graduate level of Auditing, 2.Selected New Zealand company, 3. Using fixed assignment template 1.?Asset Account 2(a). Explanation 2(b).?Key Assertion?(Identify ONLY one assertion that you consider to be the most important for each asset account) 2(c).?Substantive test of detail Use the following template for

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