Identify one potential candidate for succession

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Reference no: EM132467932

Question: The current plant manager for CapraTek has been promoted to the new plant. Using the information you received from the CapraTek: Succession Planning simulation you viewed in the study (also linked in the Resources for this discussion), identify one potential candidate for succession. Create a succession plan that would set this individual up for the best transition into the plant manager position. Why would this be the best plan of action for this individual?

Reference no: EM132467932

Questions Cloud

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Describe a current social problem : Explain how this policy affects clients you might see in a clinical setting and why, as a clinical social worker, it would be important to advocate for change.
HIMA240 Healthcare Reimbursement Methodologies Question : HIMA240 Healthcare Reimbursement Methodologies assignment help and assessment help, American Military University - How you will develop a coding audit plan?
Identify one potential candidate for succession : The current plant manager for CapraTek has been promoted to the new plant. Using the information you received from the CapraTek: Succession Planning simulation.
Develop a comprehensive training design plan : For your final project, apply the skills you practiced in your previous assignments to develop a comprehensive training design plan for the fictional.
Which role has been most commonly used in training programs : If you have not yet done so, view the presentation entitled Performance Consulting Versus Training, linked in this unit's study. From your experiences.
Develop a greater sense of awareness of social problems : There are many social problems that impact our society, and on a larger scale, our world. As a human services professional, you need to develop a greater sense.
Describe the selection process of expatriate employees : Describe the selection process of expatriate employees. Define the key components of an international compensation program. Define in which regional economic.


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