Identify one organization that is relevant to your topic

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Reference no: EM133543856

Assignment: Project Proposal

End of Life: Issues & Perspectives: BEHS 380

Your research project in this course will focus how how one of the social or behavioral sciences addresses a particular topic related to end of life issues. Completing this proposal is intended to help give you a clear vision of your research project, so that you can carry it out successfully.

Your proposal should be approximately 500-600 words and include all of the 7 points listed below.

Question I. A paragraph that describes your topic. What do you plan to address? Why is it important? Be sure to define any key terms. Include citations as appropriate.

Question II. A paragraph that describes the academic discipline that will set the context for understanding your topic. You can choose any of the disciplines introduced of this course. These include: anthropology, communication, community health, economics, geography, gerontology, political science, psychology, social psychology, or sociology. (If you would like to use another discipline -- for example, criminology, please check with me; it's most likely to be fine.) Explain the general approach of this discipline and include a citation.

Question III. A paragraph that identifies at least two things you hope to find out in your project.

Question IV. Identify one resource from our course that you plan to include in your project and why it's relevant.

Question V. Identify one organization that is relevant to your topic, and include the website URL. Explain why this organization is relevant to your topic.

Question VI. Select and summarize at least two scholarly sources from the UMGC library that you anticipate that you will include in your final project, and explain how you think the article relates to your paper topic. Summarize each of the articles in 2-3 sentences, and in an additional 1-2 sentences explain why each article may be important to your project. Be sure to include citations and to list the full references in your reference list.

Reference no: EM133543856

Questions Cloud

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What does the art of these two cultures tell us : What does the art of these two cultures tell us about their interests and the role of art in that culture? Choose two artifacts from the Greeks
Identify one organization that is relevant to your topic : Identify one organization that is relevant to your topic, and include the website URL. Explain why this organization is relevant to your topic.
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Tell us how this dance impacted the world : Tell us how this dance impacted the world and/or continues to impact the world today. Is this dance relevant in today's society
Describe what the socratic method is and how it is used : Describe what the Socratic Method is and how it is used and What does the sun represent in Plato's Allegory of the Cave
How does that music make you feel now : How exciting was it to you to hear that music, or see images of those performers? How does that music make you feel, now?


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