Identify one or more potential benefits

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Reference no: EM133587601

Discussion Post: A Case for Social Innovation

Consider the following scenario:

Two separate manufacturing companies have the same idea: move a portion of their operations to rural areas to reduce costs on materials, taxes, and shipping. Both companies expand to struggling towns that offer few sources of gainful employment. To further reduce costs, the first company builds a facility as cheaply as possible, offers low wages, and fails to provide benefits. The second company, however, not only invests in an expanded facility and offers competitive wages and benefits, but they also sponsor the construction of a public park, overstock the local food pantry, and donate a large sum of money to the local schools.

In this scenario, the second company obviously incurred more costs than the first company, but how might those situations differ long-term based on the impact each company had on its surrounding community? When both companies are making hiring decisions 20 years later, how might those hiring experiences compare?

In this Discussion, you will explore the role of social innovation within an organization.

To prepare for this Discussion:

1) Based on this week's Learning Resources, consider the pros and cons of social innovation.

2) Also, think about what it means to be an agent of change, as well as specific ways in which you could help foster positive social change within an organization.


Post an analysis of the value of social innovation to an organization, as well as an explanation of how you, as a change agent, could support your current (or future) organization to incorporate more innovation into its business practices.

Question 1) Explain whether you agree or disagree with the idea that social innovation is a needed commodity in business, and provide a rationale for your explanation.

Question 2) Identify one or more potential benefits and one or more potential challenges and/or negative impacts to a business from incorporating social innovation.

Question 3) Explain what it means to be a change agent for an organization and propose at least one specific idea of how you might help guide an organization toward innovation.

Reference no: EM133587601

Questions Cloud

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How these may impact on support provided to a person : List four key individual differences and how these may impact on support provided to a person. Explain how these individual differences are interrelated.
Definition of spirituality types of therapies acupuncture : Definition of Spirituality Types of therapies: Acupuncture, aromatherapy, therapeutic touch Cultural competence, Cultural Synergy, cultural relativism
Identify one or more potential benefits : Identify one or more potential benefits and one or more potential challenges and/or negative impacts to a business from incorporating social innovation.
Surgical patient had these comorbidities : What are the diseases that would cause you concern if a surgical patient had these comorbidities.
What are other possible symptom causes : What symptoms of ADHD does your patient present with? What are other possible symptom causes?
What should the psychologist do next : What should the psychologist do next? Ensure safety of client and others in the area, use a calm demeanor, gather information about the incident
What is external regulation : What is an external regulation that would facilitate or impede the implementation of an HIP to reduce stress and increase productivity?


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