Identify one marketing problem

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131702762

As a result of the analysis, students should be able to clearly identify the focus of their project: one marketing problem OR opportunity that the selected organization is facing. Specifically, this analysis should cover the following information:

- Identify one marketing problem OR opportunity the organization is facing as the focus of their project;

- Justify why you choose the problem/opportunity;

♣ Understand why the problem occurred; or

♣ Understand the pros and cons of an opportunity.


• This analysis should be developed based on relevant conceptual frameworks learned in class;

• In conducting this analysis, students are required to utilize industry-based resources (e.g., tourism bureau, government websites, quality statistical information, organizational information) and provide data or evidence in support of their arguments;

• The submitted work should be professionally prepared with necessary tables, figures and appendices, the reference/citation style should follow APA format.

The report needs to have three parts:

The first part: why choose this opportunity, how much of its market ratio/size, whether it can be a good opportunity?

the second part:constraint/resources

The third part: why the market chooseRitz-Carlton , where is Ritz-Carlton advantage?

Using your own perspective, you represent the Ritz-Carlton Hotel

Research Source Official data:

Brand USA 2017

Deloitte Outlook

EY Global Hospitality Insights

ITA Market Report

ITB World Travel Trends Report

PHLCVB 2016 Annual Report

USTA - Overview

USTA - Trends Index

USTA - Travel Answer Sheet

World Travel & Tourism Council 2017 Global Summary

World Travel & Tourism Council 2017 US Summary

Reference no: EM131702762

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