Identify one manufacturing method used to make cheeses

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Reference no: EM133777113

Prepare and serve cheese

Chapter 1: Prepare cheese for service
Activity 1: Matching Type
Match the cheese types below with their characteristics.

White mould

Blue mould

Washed rind




Activity 2: ‘True' or ‘False' Quiz
Let's review what you've learnt from this Chapter. Read each statement below.
Tick ‘True' if the statement is correct, and ‘False' if not.

Optimum conditions for cheese help maintain its freshness and flavours intact for longer.
Cheeses ripen in cold temperatures.
Degree of ripeness is a measure of the amount of maturation or ageing a cheese has achieved.
All hot dishes must be maintained and served at or above 30 degrees Celsius.
Higher temperatures and humidity could cause unwanted mould and bacterial growth.
All cold dishes must be maintained and served at or lower than 5 degrees Celsius.
All cheeses in cheese plates must be served at room temperature.

Activity 3: List Concepts
List three ways of minimising waste during cheese preparation to maximise profitability.

Chapter 2: Cook Cheese Dishes
Activity 1: Word Search

Identify and search examples of equipment and tools used in the preparation and cooking of cheese dishes based on the hints provided below.
1. Used to cut cheese into pieces/slices.
2. Used to grind and mix food items.
3. Used to keep food items when placing them in the oven for baking.
4. Used to weigh cheese and other ingredients.
5. Used to blend food items into purees, pastes, etc.
6. Used to wash hands, equipment, food items, etc.

Activity 2: Matching Type Activity
Match the descriptions given below to the respective cookery methods for cheese.


Liquefication of cheeses by heat

Cooking cheeses using dry heat in the oven

Cooking cheeses using radiating heat

Cooking cheeses by immersing them in hot oils or fats

Cooking cheeses using oils or fats in a pan

Activity 3: Explain Activity
In your own words, explain any two cooking methods used to cook cheese.
Include the following in each explanation:
i. Name of the cookery method
ii. Brief explanation of the method
iii. One equipment or tool used in the method
iv. One cheese dish prepared using the method

Chapter 3: Present and Store Cheese
Activity 1: ‘True' or ‘False' Quiz
Let's review what you've learnt from this Chapter. Read each statement below.
Tick ‘True' if the statement is correct, and ‘False' if not.

Cheeses must always be portioned as per the customer's requests.
Determining suitable portions helps maximise profitability by ensuring that excess food is not served.
A dessert course consists of pieces or wedges of cheese served with accompaniments like nuts, honey, chocolate and wine.
Cheese tastings are events which consist of small pieces or wedges of cheeses tasted by cheese experts and enthusiasts.
Entrees are a small portion of food or beverages consumed before a meal to increase the customer's appetite.
All recipes have the same portion size, and hence use only one portion scoop.
A cheese course is a course dedicated to cheese and is served after entrees and before desserts.

Activity 2: Explain Activity
In your own words, explain why it is important to add accompaniments and garnishes to dishes.

Make the dishes complete and whole, help in balance diet and nutrients

Look pretty make the dish complete. Combine the all accompaniments together.

Activity 3: List Concepts
List two reasons why adjustments to dish presentation are important.

Activity 4: Fill in the Blanks
Complete the statements below by filling in the blanks with appropriate responses from the selection options provided.

Storing cheeses in appropriate environmental conditions prevents the quick DETERIORATION of cheese. Cheese, being a fat-rich and protein-rich milk product, is prone to decay. Many unwanted MICROORGANISMSmay quickly feed on its proteins and fats. This may make it unfit for consumption. Warmer temperatures, including HUMIDITY, lead to a start of microorganism growth. Temperatures above 70 DEGREES CELSIUS and below 5 DEGREE CELSIUS, prevent this unwanted growth. ROOM TEMPERATURES is another consideration, as more damp conditions lead to the growth of fungi. Dry conditions, on the other hand, may lead to excessive DRYING AND FLAKING. Cheese stored in the appropriate environmental conditions retains its STRUCTURE, COLOUR AND FLAVOUR. If stored properly, it does not go bad for a WEEK.


structure, colour and flavour



70 degrees Celsius

5 degrees Celsius

Activity 5: List Concepts
List three guidelines to dispose ofsurplus or by-products.

a. Label
b. Disposals in a correct spot procedure
c. Recording

Assessment Tasks

Knowledge Assessment

Question 1
Complete the table below about the culinary terms related to different cheeses:
a. Identify at least one cheese commonly used in the industry, based on the classification of cheese provided below.
b. Identify at least one culinary term related to the identified cheese.
c. In 30 words or more, briefly explain the relation of the culinary term identified to each classification of cheese listed.

Classification of Cheese
i. Cheddar
ii. White mould
iii. Blue mould
iv. Washed rind
v. Hard
vi. Semi-hard
vii. Eye
viii. Fresh
ix. Stretched curd

Question 2
Complete the table below about the classifications of cheese:
a. Identify the following related to each classification of cheese provided.
At least one visual characteristic
At least one taste or flavour-related characteristic
At least one texture-related characteristic
b. Identify at least one common use of each classification of cheese.
Classification of Cheese
i. Cheddar
ii. White mould
iii. Blue mould
iv. Washed rind
v. Hard
vi. Semi-hard
vii. Eye
viii. Fresh
ix. Stretched curd

Question 3
Complete the table below about the manufacturing methods of cheese:
a. Identify at least one manufacturing method used to make cheeses in each classification provided below.
b. In 30 words or more, briefly explain how the identified manufacturing method is performed.
Classification of Cheese
i. Cheddar
ii. Blue mould
iii. Washed rind

Question 4
Answer the following questions about the place of origin, historical aspects and cultural aspects of cheese.
a. Identify the place of origin of the cheese
b. In 30 words or more, briefly describe the following:
Historical aspect of the cheese
Cultural aspect of the cheese

i. Cheddar
ii. Blue mould
iii. Washed rind

Question 5
Read the scenario below. Answer the questions that follow about the garnish and accompaniment requirements.
Monica is a senior chef at The Continent Hotel's new restaurant, Le Jardin. The restaurant is hosting a three-course table d'hôte for food critics to promote the restaurant. One of her responsibilities is to ensure there are three types of cheese dishes served - one hot, one cold, one cheese plate, along with appropriate garnishes and accompaniments.
She chose the following dishes with their garnishes and accompaniments for the event:
Hot dish: Swiss cheese fondue
o Garnish: Pine nuts
o Accompaniments: Cut vegetables and croutons
Cold dish: Cheesecake
o Garnish: Mint sprig
o Accompaniments: Fresh fruit
Cheese Plate
o Garnish: Walnuts, honey
o Accompaniments: Carrot and celery sticks

a. Identify the hot dish Monica chose for the event.
b. Identify the garnish to be used on the hot dish chosen.
c. Identify the two accompaniments to be used with the hot dish chosen.
d. Identify the cold dish Monica chose for the event.
e. Identify the garnish to be used on the cold dish chosen.
f. Identify the two accompaniments to be used with the cold dish chosen.
g. Identify the garnish to be used on the cheese plate.
h. Identify the two accompaniments to be used with the cheese plate.

Question 6
Answer the following questions about the optimum conditions for serving cheese.

a. Define degree of ripeness of cheese.
b. Answer the following questions:
i. Briefly explain how the optimum degree of ripeness of each type of cheese is determined before serving.
ii. Identify the optimum temperature for serving the type of cheese.

Type of Cheese
i. Cheddar cheeses
ii. Fresh cheeses
iii. White mould cheeses

c. In 30 words or more, briefly explain the importance of serving cheeses at appropriate temperatures.

Question 7
Complete the table below about the types of bases from which cheese is made:
a. Identify at least one distinct characteristic of the types of cheese bases provided below.
b. Identify at least one cheese made from the types of bases provided below.

Types of Cheese Bases

i. Cow milk
ii. Sheep milk
iii. Goat milk
iv. Buffalo milk
v. Soy milk
vi. Specialty cheese

Question 8
Complete the table below about the contexts in which cheese is served:
a. Identify at least one cheese commonly served in the context.
b. In 30 words or more, briefly explain the contexts in serving cheese provided below.

Context in Which Cheese is Served
i. Appetisers
ii. Entrees
iii. Cheese course
iv. Dessert course
v. Cheese tastings
vi. Stand-alone meal
vii. Buffet

Question 9
Access and review documents on your organisation's food safety practices to complete the table below.
a. Identify at least two food safety practices for each process involving cheese provided below.
b. In your own words, briefly explain how each food safety practice identified is followed. Your response must be in 30 words or more.
Process Involving Cheese
1. Handling cheese

2. Storing cheese

Question 10
Access and review documents on your organisation's policies and procedures on hygiene requirements relating to possible bacterial spoilage of cheese and complete the table below.
a. Identify at least two hygiene requirements relating to possible bacterial spoilage of cheese during the processes provided below.
b. In 30 In your own words, briefly explain how each hygiene requirement identified is met. Your response must be in 30 words or more.

Process Involving Cheese
1. Preparation of cheese
2. Storage of cheese
3. Service of cheese

Practical Assessment

Assessment Overview

Task 1: Select Cheese from Stores as per Standard Recipes
Task 2: Prepare and Cook Cheese
Task 3: Store Cheese
Task 4: Clean the Kitchen Area
You are required to complete the assessment tasksin an operational commercial kitchen. This can bean industry workplace; ora simulated industry environment, such as an industry-realistic training kitchen servicing customers.
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow these instructions to complete the assessment. Each task will require you to demonstrate task requirements while being observed by the assessor.

You are required to:
• Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.
• Identify cheese requirements using organisational standard recipes.
• Select required cheeses from stores.
• Prepare and portion ingredients and cheeses.
• Cook at least two portions each of three different cheese dishes.
• Plate and present the dishes for service.
• Store or dispose of any surplus or re-usable

Task 1: Select Cheese from Stores as per Standard Recipes

While being observed by your assessor, identify types of cheese required based on organisational standard recipes and stock rotation requirements, and select them from stores.
1. Access and review documents and/or sources of information on the following:
• Organisational standard recipes for cheese dishes
• Organisational standards on:
o Quality of cheeses
o Freshness of cheeses
• Organisational procedures for stock rotation requirements of cheese items
2. Identify recipe requirements from organisational standard recipes, including:
• Ingredients required
• Accompaniments required
• Garnishes required
1. Identify the following cheese types from stores:
• Cheddar
• White mould
• Blue mould
• Washed rind
• Hard
• Semi-hard
• Eye
• Fresh
• Stretched curd

4. Select cheeses from stores according to:
• Quality requirements
• Freshness requirements
• Stock rotation requirements
• Practical knowledge of:
o Recipe requirements
o Cheese types.
• Practical skills relevant to:
o Identifying requirements
o Identifying cheese types
o Selecting cheeses from stores.
Before starting this task, review the Workplace Assessment Task 1 - Observation Form provided along with this workbook. This form lists all the practical skills you need to demonstrate while completing this task.

Task 2: Prepare and Cook Cheese

While being observed by your assessor, prepare cheese, complete mise en place and cook cheese dishes for service adhering to portion requirements.
1. Access and review documents and/or sources of information on the following:
• Organisational standard recipes for cheese dishes
• Organisational standards on the following:
o Preparation of garnishes
o Preparation of accompaniments
o Dish presentation
• Organisational guidelines/information on:
o Portion control procedures
o Equipment requirements based on organisational standard recipes
o Waste reduction during preparing and cooking cheese
o Commercial time constraints
o Meeting deadlines
o Food safety practices when handling cheese
2. Collect at least three food orders, including:
• At least one hot dish
• At least one cold dish
• At least one cheese plate
• At least one special customer request
• At least one cheese from each cheese type identified in Workplace Assessment Task 1.
3. Confirm the following food production requirements identified in Workplace Assessment Task 1.
4. Identify the following food production requirements:
• Portions required according to organisational standard recipes

• Optimum conditions for various types of cheese, including:
o Temperature requirements
o Degree of ripeness
• Types of suitable equipment required
• Sizes of suitable equipment required
5. Bring eachcheese identified to room temperature.
6. Create optimum conditions for each cheese identified based on:
• Type of cheese
• Service style
7. Select the suitable equipment based on:
• Type of equipment required
• Size of equipment required
8. Sort ingredients based on the type of ingredients.
9. Assemble ingredients in the order of preparation, according to the standard recipe.
10. Prepare ingredients based on the standard recipes by completing the following:
• Weigh the ingredients required
• Measure the quantity of ingredients required
• Create portions
11. Prepare the following according to organisational standards:
• At least two appropriate garnishes
• At least two appropriate accompaniments
12. Use relevant cookery methods from organisational standard recipes to cook at least two portions of each of the following dishes:
• One hot dish
• One cold dish
• Cheese plate
13. Determine suitable portion sizes for plating.
14. Present dishes attractively:
• Based on their context of service
• On appropriate service-ware

15. Add the following to the dish presentation:
• Accompaniments
• Garnishes
16. Identify at least two inconsistencies in dishes and organisational standards through visual inspection.
17. Adjust dish presentation to resolve each inconsistency identified based on organisational standards.
18. Adhere to the following while preparing and cooking dishes:
• Waste reduction guidelines
• Commercial time constraints
• Meeting deadlines
• Food safety practices while handling food
• Practical knowledge of:
o Ingredient and cheese preparation
o Optimum conditions for cheese
o Cookery methods to cook cheese dishes
• Practical skills relevant to:
o Identifying and selecting cheese
o Preparing ingredients and cheeses
o Cooking cheese dishes using various equipment and cookery methods
Before starting this task, review the Workplace Assessment Task 2 - Observation Form provided along with this workbook. This form lists all the practical skills you need to demonstrate while completing this task.

Task 3: Store Cheese

While being observed by your assessor, store necessary surplus and re-usable by-products.
1. Access and review the following:
• Organisational procedures for food safety practices for the storage of cheese
• Documents containing information on appropriate environmental conditions for cheese types
2. Identify appropriate environmental conditions for storing each cheese type.
3. Store each cheese type in appropriate environmental conditions identified.
• Practical knowledge of appropriate environmental conditions for cheese.
• Practical skills relevant to storing cheeses in appropriate environmental conditions.
Before starting this task, review the Workplace Assessment Task 3 - Observation Form provided along with this workbook. This form lists all the practical skills you need to demonstrate while completing this task.
• Organise workplace resources required for you to complete this assessment.
• Advise you on the time and location of the assessment.
• Discuss with you the practical skills listed in the Observation Form prior to the assessment.
• Address your queries and concerns regarding this task.

Task 4: Clean the Kitchen Area

While being observed by your assessor, dispose of and store any surplus and re-usable by-products, and clean the kitchen area.
1. Access and review the following:
• Organisational procedures on
o Storage and disposal of surplus and re-usable by-products
o Cleaning the kitchen area
• Environmental considerations on:
o Storage and disposal of surplus and re-usable by-products
o Cleaning the kitchen area
• Cost-reduction initiatives on:
o Storage and disposal of surplus and re-usable by-products
o Cleaning the kitchen area
2. Identify the following by-products:
• At least one surplus by-product for disposal
• At least one surplus by-product to be stored
• At least one re-usable by-product to be stored
3. Store identified surplus and re-usable by-products.
4. Dispose of identified surplus by-products.
5. Clean the kitchen area.

1. Practical knowledge of:
• Food storage and disposal
• Cleaning of a kitchen
2. Practical skills relevant to:
• Storage and disposal of surplus and re-usable by-products
• Cleaning kitchen areas

Reference no: EM133777113

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