Identify one issue you are interested

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Reference no: EM133623169

1) Creating Trust in Government

Do you think that performance measurement systems build trust in government? Why, or why not?

2) The Norton and Kaplan article you read this week focuses on Balanced scorecards. The types they discuss are from private sector settings. How do you think these tools might differ in the public or not-for-profit sectors? Or is it the same tool regardless? Why?

3) In the article you read for this week written by Kamensky, he notes that two important design issues need to be confronted when developing performance measurement systems. They include: 1) Politically value-laden issues; and, 2) Managerial and technical issues. Do you think one of these two design concerns is more important than the other? Why, or why not?

4) On page 401 of the Kamensky article, he provides characteristics for a good results-oriented measurement system. Do you think it is easy to create such a system from this blueprint? What might get in the way of it coming to fruition?

5) Surf the web and find a balanced scorecard. Post it to this thread and tell us what you think is done well, or poorly, in your example.

6) What did you find to be the major lessons from this week's discussion board, articles, and lecture notes?

Part 2

7) PAD 314 Takeaways This week we look at another area that is important to understanding leadership and performance measurement - technology. But this is just a facet of the big picture. What are the major lessons you learned from PAD 314 this year?

8) Identify one issue you are interested in where you can explain the connection between leadership and performance measurement. Explain how, if at all, the course has helped you understand this relationship

9) This week we are examining advances in technology that are impacting the world of performance measurement. What other things do you think we need to be keeping in mind as topics for the future in this course? What should government leaders be on the lookout for as we go forward?

10) Don Kettl talks about big data being something of a game changer for government performance systems in 10 important ways. Out of his list, which do you think is the most important? And which do you think is the least important? Why?

11) After reading the Safir Blog post about the use of artificial intelligence in local government, do you think there are issues the government needs to be concerned with regarding this emerging technology? Safir only discusses benefits. Are there costs? What could go right here? What could go wrong?

12) What did you find to be the main lessons from this week's discussion board, lecture notes, and readings?

Reference no: EM133623169

Questions Cloud

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Identify one issue you are interested : Identify one issue you are interested in where you can explain the connection between leadership and performance measurement. Explain how, if at all, the course
Identify a current social and political issue : Identify a current social/political issue that's being discussed and debated nationally or in your local community - thesis statement that clearly identifies
What are the risks and benefits of the fda-approved medicine : Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision-making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine?
What are the benefits of the approaches : What are the benefits of these approaches, and how do these benefits counterbalance the negatives from the coercive approach?
What constitutes a just war : What constitutes a just war? Do you consider recent U.S. wars, such as the war in Afghanistan, the Iraq War begun in 2003, and the war on terror to be just


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