Reference no: EM131230310
Independent/Dependent Variables
Identify one independent variable from the article and describe how the variable can be represented (the variable's indicator).
Identify one dependent variable from the article that depends on the independent variable. Describe how the dependent variable can be represented (the variable's indicator).
Write a hypothesis statement that shows how the independent and dependent variables you have identified are related.
It is best to use the following structure for your hypothesis statement:
(subjects) that (independent variable) are more/less likely to (dependent variable) than (subjects) that do not (independent variable) .
Case of Alex and Sally
You are working as a child protection caseworker for the state and have been concerned about one of your foster families. Earlier in the week, Martha (foster mom) called in distressed because baby Alex (10 months) did not seem to be engaging in social activities or learning much and she fears that he is "withdrawn and delayed". She complained that his foster sister Sally (16 months) was much more adventurous and sociable. Both children have been evaluated by a child psychologist and were found to be within acceptable rates of development.
You have an appointment with Martha to discuss her concerns. How will you explain the influences of genetics and the environment to help her understand individual differences? What advice would you give to Martha to help her foster growth for Alex?
Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the Discussion by making frequent informed references to course materials and Seminars. Remember to respond to at least two classmates with comments that forward the Discussion.
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Identify one independent variable from the article
: Identify one dependent variable from the article that depends on the independent variable. Describe how the dependent variable can be represented (the variable's indicator). Write a hypothesis statement that shows how the independent and dependent ..
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