Reference no: EM133489615
Case: We go across the yard ("Excuse me taking you in this way but I don't think the front door has been opened since Papa's funeral, I'm afraid the hinges might drop off"), up the porch steps, into the kitchen, which really is cool, high-ceilinged, the blinds of course down, a simple, clean, threadbare room with waxed worn linoleum, potted geraniums, drinking-pail and dipper, a round table with scrubbed oilcloth. In spite of the cleanness, the wiped and swept surfaces, there is a faint sour smell-maybe of the dishrag or the tin dipper or the oilcloth or the old lady, because there is one, sitting in an easy chair under the clock shelf. She turns her head slightly in our direction and says, "Nora? Is that company?"
"Blind," says Nora in a quick explaining voice to my father. Then, "You won't guess who it is, Momma. Hear his voice."
My father goes to the front of her chair and bends and says hopefully, "Afternoon, Mrs. Cronin."
"Ben Jordan," says the old lady with no surprise. "You haven't been to see us in the longest time. Have you been out of the country?"
My father and Nora look at each other.
"He's married, Momma," says Nora cheerfully and aggressively. "Married and got two children and here they are." She pulls us forward, makes each of us touch the old lady's dry, cool hand while she says our names in turn. Blind! This is the first blind person I have ever seen close up. Her eyes are closed, the eyelids sunk way down, showing no shape of the eyeball, just hollows. From one hollow comes a drop of silver liquid, a medicine, or a miraculous tear.
Answer the following questions:
- Take the sentence beginning with "In spite of the cleanness" and break it up into the corresponding levels of sentence structure as described on page 229 of your Crystal textbook. Write out individually each clause and each phrase.
- Now taking this same sentence from question 1, identify all the clause types present by labelling all the clause elements according to the system described on pages 232-233 of your Crystal textbook.
- Once again, taking this same sentence from question 1, identify all the phrase types (see page 234 of your Crystal textbook).
- From the passage, give three examples of words with inflectional suffixes and analyze the grammatical information that the suffix is conveying (see page 210 of your Crystal textbook).
- From the passage, give three examples of words with derivational suffixes and indicate which type of suffix is present (see page 210 of your Crystal textbook). Use a dictionary if necessary.
- Identify one example of a minor sentence in the passage.
- Identify one example of ellipsis in the passage, and indicate what's been left out.
- Identify one example of a pro-form in the passage, and indicate what it's referring to.
- Identify one example of a compound sentence from the passage and label its component clauses.
- Identify one example of a complex sentence from the passage and label its component clauses.
- Explain the word order of "a quick explaining voice" and "a simple, clean, threadbare room" according to the adjective zones.
- Find one example of an exceptional plural noun in the passage.
- Find one example of a superlative adjective in the passage.
- From the passage, give one example each of a count and non-count noun.
- From the passage, give one example each of a transitive and intransitive verb.
- From the passage, give one example each of a coordinating and subordinating conjunction.