Identify one behavioral variable contributing to morbidity

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Reference no: EM133557355

Assignment: Presentation

Each student will investigate one specific health behavior that will be chosen from the list below. The purpose of the presentation is as follows: (I) to describe behavioral and non-behavioral variables contributing to morbidity and mortality; (II) discuss methods that have used a health behavior theory or model to change a health behavior. In-text citations and references are to be cited using the APA 6th Edition. Each slide should have narration. The presentation should contain at least one of the following: graph; chart; graphic; photo; brief content with no spelling mistakes on each slide.

Students will work individually to present a PowerPoint presentation with at least 10 slides and 7-10 minutes in length that cites evidence from credible sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journals, government reports, textbook) to:

Question A. Define the health behavior explain the public health significance of the health behavior (e.g., prevalence, population, morbidity, mortality)

Question B. Identify at least one behavioral variable (e.g., risk factor) contributing to morbidity and/or mortality associated with the health behavior.

Question C. Identify at least one non-behavioral variable (e.g., health consequence) contributing to morbidity and/or mortality associated with the health behavior

Question D. Describe at least one intervention that used a health behavior theory or model and was effective in modifying the health behavior

Presentation Topics Based on Health Behaviors Identified in Health People 2020

Note: It is the responsibility of each student to focus on the health behavior (e.g., smoking, binge drinking, insufficient sleep, condom use) aspect of any Healthy People 2020 objective that can be addressed to prevent morbidity (i.e., disease) and mortality (i.e., death). Health behaviors can be associated with protection (e.g., meeting physical activity guidelines) or risk (e.g., smoking cigarettes which can lead to lung disease).

1) Sleep
2) Immunizations
3) Substance Abuse
4) Family Planning
5) Tobacco Use
6) Physical Activity.

Reference no: EM133557355

Questions Cloud

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Identify one behavioral variable contributing to morbidity : Identify at least one behavioral variable (e.g., risk factor) contributing to morbidity and/or mortality associated with the health behavior.
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What types of organizations should focus on adopting : Explain the concept of Multi-cloud and why an organization should have this as an option. What types of organizations should focus on adopting a private cloud?


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