Identify multiple cultures the organization serves

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Reference no: EM131490926

Select a psychological disorder and a local organization that provides mental health services. Obtain faculty approval of your selected disorder before beginning this assignment.

Research the organization's website or speak to someone in the organization.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder in the context of the chosen organization's goals. Include the following in your paper:

  • Identify multiple cultures the organization serves.
  • Identify symptoms of your selected disorder and describe how the interpretation of the symptoms varies across cultures.
  • Discuss how the impact of culture affects interpretations of symptoms and recommendations of services for that organization.

Include a minimum of three credible, peer-reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131490926

Questions Cloud

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Gradual integration to immediate emancipation : Using the text and the internet, citing your work, with 300 words, craft an original response to this question:
Which one of your alternative strategies you recommend : Specify which one of your alternative strategies you recommend. Develop programs to implement your recommended strategy.
Under what conditions would a firm rona is equal to rooa : Under what conditions would a firm's return on common equity (ROCE) be equal to its return on net operating assets (RNOA)?
Identify multiple cultures the organization serves : Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder in the context of the chosen organization's goals
Changes in which of the are likely to affect interest rates : Changes in which of the following are likely to affect interest rates?
State whether the given measures drive roce positively : State whether the following measures drive return on common equity (ROCE) positively, negatively, or depending on the circumstances.
Examine the usage of the oman labour law : Human Resource Management (BUSS 1701) Critically evaluate the importance of labour relations and trade unions within an organisation
Political characteristics-traits-ideologies-beliefs : What social/political characteristics, traits, ideologies, beliefs, and traditions make Western society "Western"?


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