Reference no: EM132356969
Unit outcome(s) addressed in this Assignment:
· Identify methods for assessing operational needs in a healthcare setting.
· Identify methods for evaluating operational processes.
· Analyze healthcare organization quality improvement methods.
Course outcome(s) addresses in this Assignment:
1. Knowledge Base: Demonstrate a sound foundational knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice in healthcare regarding administration, management, law, economics and policy.
You will be performing research on a real-life healthcare organization:
Cleveland Clinic
Analyze various facets and provide a detailed picture of the organization. The section is to be 1,600-2,000 words. The section should have at least four references.
Proposal and introduction of project about Cleveland Clinic Hospital
· Write introduction
· State selected organization
· State rationale behind the selection of the organization
Analysis of the organization
· Describe the organization's structure:
o Facility physical settings
o Patient or client base
o Level of clinical activity and research
o Describe the mission, vision, and goals of the organization and how the organization supports these items
o Community and global impact
Compose your sections using Standard American English as described in the APA guidelines. Make sure you cite your reference in the text and on the reference page using proper APA format.
Organization operate effectively to protect
: you are the owner of an IT Consulting Business. You have been contracted to help an organization operate effectively to protect their client's information
Turn research questions into testable hypotheses
: HPS301 - Research Methods in Psychology - Deakin University - Write your own participants section nd the rest can be ‘cut-and-pasted' from the ‘Method' document
Create a program in python that analyzes twitter information
: CS1026: Write a complete program in Python that analyzes twitter information. With the emergence of Internet companies such as Google, Facebook and Twitter.
Willie primary source of power
: Willie's primary source of power is based on his ability to influence others with something of value to them and, in some cases
Identify methods for evaluating operational processes
: HA499- Identify methods for evaluating operational processes. Analyze healthcare organization quality improvement methods.
How art contributes to happiness-reduction of stress
: Identify how art contributes to happiness, reduction of stress, and increased morale in the workplace while synthesizing these elements within personal life
Two types of health economics are positive and normative
: The three types of efficiencies are allocative, production, and technical. The two types of health economics are positive and normative.
The problems of philosophy
: You will be summarizing Chapters V-VIII in The Problems of Philosophy, and then you will look for how what he says there links up with, adds to,
Program that returns the result of adding the odd integers
: Create a Python function called sumOfOdds which takes one argument, an integer greater thanor equal to 1, and returns the result of adding the odd integers.