Reference no: EM132335952
Assignment: Instructions: Use the following link to access the article you will use to conduct an article critique.
Beller, M. D. (2014). Mandated benefits, good or bad? At N.Y. hearing, reviews are mixed. Insurance Advocate, 125(19), 42-43.
After reading the article, compose your critique by addressing the items listed below.
• Explain the main topic/question of the article.
• Explain and identify mandatory indirect benefits addressed in the article.
• Discuss factors to consider in determining how to offer and select benefits according to the article.
• Take what you have learned from the unit and article, and apply the concepts to your life by explaining whether you support mandatory indirect benefits and describing how they can affect you.
Your critique should be at least two pages in length, not counting the title page and the references page. The critique should include at least two sources-one being the article and one being another credible source. Be sure that any citations or references are in proper APA format.
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