Identify management challenge

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133201019

Makerere University Business School has a number of options namely: Commerce, Business Administration, Human Resource Management, Transport and Logistic Management, Tourism and Travel Management, leisure and Hospitality, leadership and Governance, International, Business, Procurement and Supply chain Management, Real Estate Management, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Arts in Economics and Science in Finance. These options have been identified as pillars to address the current management challenges in the country.

As a student of research, you have been identified as critical expert to identify the prevailing challenges manifesting in your specialized option. 

Develop a research proposal that addresses the following aspects.

i. Identify any management challenge and the appropriate topic of investigation

ii. Write a brief background of the identified management challenge in your option

iii. State the statement of the problem

iv. The purpose of the investigation

v. State only objectives and hypotheses from the appropriate topic

vi. Define the scope of the investigation

vii. Relevancy of the investigation

viii. Write a brief Literature Review of the stated objectives

ix. Propose a suitable Research Design, Study population, Sample sized, data type and data analysis for the identified management challenge.

x. What ethical consideration are likely to adopt in this investigation.

xi. State the likely limitations to expect in the investigation

xii. Use the APA format to write the reference page

xiii. Design a work plan and a costed implemented plan for the study.

Reference no: EM133201019

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