Identify leadership vision

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133501079


  1. Identify your leadership vision, establish the goals and objectives, determine resource requirements, etc.
  2. Define the vision with a specific discussion of the deliverables, purpose, scope, and constraints.
  3. What is the level of planning that is needed for your vision to be successful? What happens when changes disrupt your plans? Provide examples of what likely changes could interfere with your schedule and how you will adapt.
  4. How will your vision be implemented? How will you monitor and evaluate your progress? How do you plan to coordinate and implement all aspects of your plan?
  5. Will your vision be completed on schedule and on a budget? How did the implementation of your plan go?
  6. Finally, what lessons have you learned about yourself from this exercise? Do you have what it takes to be a leader? Are you willing to do the work? Did you consider what kind of a team you will need to execute this vision?

Reference no: EM133501079

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