Identify Leadership Styles

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM132424963 , Length: 4

For this portfolio entry you will examine and articulate leadership styles, and identify which styles you use and/or would like to use as you develop your leadership skills and knowledge.

  • To do this you will read the assigned class readings, use online tools, as well as doing your own independent research, and review your own leadership experience. You may also solicit the input of friends and family. Your finished paper will be 3-4 pages long (not including the cover page or reference page, and attachments) presented in APA (6th edition) format and will become the second item in your portfolio.
  • This task is designed to help you identify leadership styles and develop your own leadership style based upon your goals, beliefs and personality traits as well as what you learn from studying leadership.

Your paper should identify at least eight commonly accepted styles of leadership and summarize the characteristics of each.

  1. You will then identify the style or styles you use and explain why you chose these styles, providing examples of how you have used them.
  2.  Finally, you will identify which styles you would believe it would beneficial for you to use more of and explain why you chose them and how you think they will aid you in becoming a better public safety leader.

Reference no: EM132424963

Questions Cloud

Contrast unstructured and structured data : Use examples to compare and contrast unstructured and structured data. Which type is more prevalent in a typical business environment?
Dual focus of public health on the benefit of individuals : Why do many people think of public health as the "other" health care system in this country?
Creation of medicare and medicaid in 1964 : Would medical technology have developed as rapidly as it did without the creation of Medicare and Medicaid in 1964? Explain your reasoning.
Sixth amendment right to a speedy trial : Explain the four factors that courts consider when making a determination of whether the Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial has been violated.
Identify Leadership Styles : Identify Leadership Styles and develop your own leadership style based upon your goals, beliefs and personality traitsas well as what you learn from studying
Describe the components of managed care : Discuss the significant contributions the managed care movement has made on today's health care industry in the United States.
Nation deficit is high and the government came : Problem: Although the nation's deficit is high and the government came within hours of a debt default, congress barely reached a compromise.
What form of government would you choose : What Form of Government would you Choose? Imagine you are on a large ocean liner with 1000 passengers and crew.
What key Ambiguous Phrases did the court discuss : What key ambiguous phrases did the court discuss?How did the ambiguity in the alleged contract affect the court's reasoning?


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