Identify lead federal agency that assist in addressing sdoh

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Reference no: EM133515316

Homework: Social Determinants of Health

Topic: Social Determinants of Health (Economic Stability): Reduce the proportion of people living in poverty.


The purpose of this homework is to provide the student an opportunity to select one of the five domains within social determinants of health and evaluate the collaborative efforts put forth by various workgroups toward specific objectives within the selected domain. The student will also identify if any health policies have helped or hindered their efforts.

Course Objectives

This homework provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes:

1. Describe the five domains of social determinants of health
2. Analyze the impact of social determinants of health on health disparities, inequalities, and health related outcomes
3. Examine the effects of health policies on global health outcomes
4. Formulate strategies to promote effective collaborations across professions to enhance healthcare access

Module Objectives

This homework provides documentation of student ability to meet the following module objectives:

1. Describe the SDoH workgroup objectives
2. Identify lead federal agencies that assist in addressing SDoH


A. The quality of writing, the use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions.

B. Create your essay using Microsoft Word(a part of Microsoft Office. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word document because it will end in ".docx".

C. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about your essay may be posted under the Q&A Forum.

D. The length of the reflection is to be no less than 750 words and no greater than 1000 words, excluding the title and reference pages.

E. APA format is required with both a title page and a reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered):

1. Introduction
2. SDoH Domain including objectives
3. SDoH Workgroup objectives that apply to chosen domain
4. Are there any Policies that help or hinder progress?
5. Conclusion

Reference no: EM133515316

Questions Cloud

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Types of microorganisms : The energy sources for different types of organisms, and the type of energy metabolism in heterotrophs (e.g., oxygen respiration).
Identify an ethical issue or problem presented : Identify an ethical issue or problem presented in your selected case study? what they want to hear, and we'll worry about whether it is true or realistic later
Identify lead federal agency that assist in addressing sdoh : NURS 4310- Describe domains of social determinants of health. Describe SDoH workgroup objectives Identify lead federal agencies that assist in addressing SDoH.
What customer service strategies do you use with internal : What customer service strategies do you use with internal customers?* Why is it important to seek feedback from internal customers about the delivery
How might genes responsible for drug resistance : How might genes, such as those responsible for drug resistance, be transferred between bacterial species?
Discuss about a specific aspect of that topic : develop a thesis argument for your paper, expressing your own opinion/perspective about a specific aspect of that topic.
How will apply new knowledge-understanding of infections : How will you apply your new knowledge and understanding of infections and infectious processes in your daily social.


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