Identify key trends in specific organizational communication

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Reference no: EM133416082

Question: Choose an interest area in organizational/corporate communications to investigate during the semester. These areas include healthcare, educational context, crisis management, sports management, entertainment, business, and media among others. Students select an area of interest with the approval of the professor and then apply organizational and corporate communication principles through a research paper and presentation.

Course Objectives
Three major topics will be generated from student and faculty research interests. By the end of the seminar, students should be able to
(1) Identify the key trends in specific organizational communication scholarship
(2) Identify the key metatheoretical perspectives of organizational communication and understand how these frameworks help us to see certain processes and limit our focus on other processes
(3) Apply organizational communication theories and processes to teaching and training situations

Students might bring diverse interests and perspectives to the class. You are encouraged to discuss these perspectives with the class. We'll find a balance in teaching, researching, and practicing that meets your needs and supports your decision to take this class.

1. Term Paper (100 points)

Students will choose a topic of interest (with instructor approval) and create a research report on their topic. This research will be presented as part of a research forum to be held on the last day of class. The research paper written during this class will be used to fulfill the requirements of the Graduate Studies Office for students pursuing a non-thesis option in ORGC. This is a class that will meet three times a semester which is usually the first , the middle and the last which is when the research proposal is due. The time off from class is going to be spent on writing your proposal and asking me questions either during my office hours or by email or by phone.

Reference no: EM133416082

Questions Cloud

Should the government become an insurer of last resort : Should the government become an insurer of last resort, or would better regulation of the private insurance industry ensure better results?
Explore how social-cognitive theory might help : Explore how social-cognitive theory might help explain the development of the characteristics of Avoidant Personality Disorder.
How concurrences address the corporate personhood issue : In Hobby Lobby vs Burwell Compare and contrast how the majority, dissent, and concurrences address the corporate personhood issue?
Is occupational licensure consistent with basic principles : Is occupational licensure consistent with the basic principles and values of capitalism? What do you see as the ethical arguments for and against licensure?
Identify key trends in specific organizational communication : Identify the key trends in specific organizational communication scholarship - Identify the key metatheoretical perspectives of organizational communication
What were three cross-cultural psychology ideas : In your own case, how has this cross-cultural psychology course contributed to that mission? What were three cross-cultural psychology ideas, case studies
What memorization technique did you choose to help : Using one of the techniques you've found in your research, memorize your list. Once you think you've got it, take a break. Come back in an hour or so and see
Describe the rule-making process of the epa : Describe the rule-making process of the EPA, including a discussion of the Federal Register and U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.).
Applying the principles from various theories of development : Applying the principles from various theories of development for infants and toddlers up to 3 years old, discuss the major themes of development that translate


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