Identify key changes that scenarios suggests for client

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Reference no: EM131968378

Assignment -

Three assignments need.

Topic is "The future of medical marijuana being legalized for recreational use".

I. 2x2 Scenario Approach -Framework Foresight is modular approach to foresight in which different techniques can be plugged into different modules. For the forecast module, let's try a GBN 2x2 scenario matrix (instead of the baseline and alternative inputs and summary/narrative).

Your task is to produce a 5-slide PowerPoint Presentation:

  • Slide 1 is the 2x2 summary
  • Slides 2-5 are one slide each providing additional detail on each of the four scenarios (one slide per scenario)
  • I am leaving it to you to decide what information to include and how to present it - we will go over the method and an example in class

II. 3rd order Approach- We explore implications with a variation on the Futures Wheel. Pick what you think is your most interesting scenario. Then, identify three key changes that scenarios suggests for you client. For each of those changes, then identify the important implication or impact of the key change; that is your 1st order implication; then identify two implications of each 1st order implication. Finally, identify two implications of each 2nd order implication. Use the attached template. Summarize in a couple of paragraphs what you think the key implication(s) are for the client based on this analysis. No word limit really. Just have to cover the content.

III. Client Pitch- Now that you have your 2x2 picture of the future landscape, your final project task is to produce a five-minute pitch to your client with a specific recommendation. That recommendation may come in whatever form you think makes sense for your client - it may be a new product or service concept, a design, a policy recommendation, a set of strategic issues, or even an actual prototype. Draw upon your scanning, research, scenarios, and impacts -- basically all you have done this semester.

Recommend a brief PowerPoint - say 5 slides max -- keeping in mind that you have 5 minutes to present (the time limit will be enforced). Please include details in the Speaker.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131968378

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5/3/2018 3:55:15 AM

I have 3 assignments I need. My topic is "The future of medical marijuana being legalized for recreational use". I have a template or an example for each assignment that I am going to attach along with a information. For 2x2 Scenario Approach - Your task is to produce a 5-slide PowerPoint Presentation. For 3rd order Approach- No word limit really. Just have to cover the content. I would recommend a brief PowerPoint – say 5 slides max -- keeping in mind that you have 5 minutes to present (the time limit will be enforced). Please include details in the Speaker.

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