Identify key behavioral and environmental risk factors

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Reference no: EM131600550

In this assignment, you will develop and submit a project plan for a community intervention that addresses a significant public health problem of your choice aside from those topics that have been already addressed in other assignments in this course.

Your project plan must be based on the PRECEDE-PROCEED model and at least two behavior change theories included in this course. Respond according to the following: Briefly describe the selected health problem and the population. Be sure to select a health problem that has not already been addressed in other assignments in this course.

Identify key behavioral and environmental risk factors for this health issue in this population.

Describe and justify the selection of at least two theories of health behavior that can be used to address the behavior problem (the theories should be at different levels-i.e., individual, interpersonal, community).

Identify predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors for behavior change based on the theoretical constructs from the preceding step. Using SMART objectives, develop at least one process and one impact and one outcome objective, and provide a brief overview of an evaluation strategy.

Be creative, but also use scholarly support and appropriate references. Grading Rubric This assignment is worth 300 points and will be graded using a rubric.

Write a 6-8-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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The assignment was about conducting a community health intervention plan based on PRECEDE-PROCEED model and to demonstrate the assessment of substance abuse (the topic I selected) and had to address the problem with the help of the relevant health theories. The theories I chose were behavioral theory and the personality theory.

Reference no: EM131600550

Questions Cloud

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Identify key behavioral and environmental risk factors : Develop and submit a project plan for a community intervention that addresses a significant public health problem of your choice.
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What are the factors that make up both individual : What are the factors that make up both individual and social drug-abuse. How are drug abuse and juvenile delinquency related
Provide an analysis for improving the achievement of student : Using your school or class within a school as an educational leader, provide an analysis and recommendations for improving the achievement of all students.
What is moral hazard : What steps might a firm take to avoid moral hazard in the employment relationship? Discuss the typwes of hazards in brief.



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8/14/2017 3:33:20 AM

Audience and Communication Write specifically to key audience, using terminology and tone appropriate for the audience. CO_W PO 3.a, 3.b, 6.a ILO 2 Writing is faulty and unfocused. Tone is inappropriate and inconsistent. No audience consideration Writing lacks insight or interest. Tone is too informal for academic writing. Poor audience consideration. Writing is focused. Tone is adequately formal in keeping with the audience. Writing is engaging, insightful, and focused. Tone is formal and the language reflects a good sense of the audience. Unsatisfactory: < 8 Emerging: 11-12 Proficient: 13-14 Exemplary: 15-16 ______ / 16 pts


8/14/2017 3:33:13 AM

APA Elements Include proper attribution, paraphrasing, and quotations of all sources. CO_W PO 3.a, 3.b, 6.a ILO 2 APA format is attempted to paraphrase, quote, and cite, but errors are significant. Using APA format, accurately paraphrased, quoted, and cited in many spots throughout when appropriate or called for. Errors present are somewhat minor. Using APA format, accurately paraphrased, quoted, and cited throughout the presentation when appropriate or called for. Only a few minor errors present. Using APA format, accurately paraphrased, quoted, and cited throughout the presentation when appropriate or called for. No errors present. Unsatisfactory: <14 Emerging: 15-16 Proficient: 17-18 Exemplary: 19-20 ______ / 20 pts


8/14/2017 3:32:55 AM

Writing is basically error free in terms of mechanics. Writing skills are strong. Shows effective command of language. Bullet points and/or sentence structures are accurate with good variations. Capitalization, punctuation, and indentation are followed and there are no misspellings. Grammar and mechanics help establish a clear idea and aid the reader in following the writer’s logic. Unsatisfactory: <14 Emerging: 15-16 Proficient: 17-18 Exemplary: 19-20 ______ / 20 pts


8/14/2017 3:32:48 AM

Usage and Mechanics Write using proper grammar, spelling, usage, and mechanics to provide smooth readability. CO_W PO 3.a, 3.b, 6.a ILO 2 Writing contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, and/or sentence structure that severely interferes with readability and comprehension.Writing skills are unacceptable for this level. Poor command of language. Writing skills are inadequate: unclear and difficult to understand. Many incorrect structures and improper use of tenses. Many errors in capitalization, punctuation, and spellings. All errors somewhat interfere with readability and/or comprehension. Writing follows conventions of spelling and grammar throughout. Writing skills are competent. Good command of language. Bullet points and/or sentence structures are accurate. Capitalization, punctuation, and indentation reasonably well followed. Spelling errors are very few. All errors are infrequent and do not interfere with readability or comprehension.


8/14/2017 3:32:32 AM

Introduction has a clear opening, provides background information, and states the topic. The assignment (e.g. report, presentation) is organized around an arguable stated thesis or main idea. Transitions are appropriate and help the flow of ideas. Conclusion summarizes main argument and has a clear ending. Writing generally provides a consistent coherency among ideas. Introduction catches the reader’s attention, provides compelling and appropriate background info, and clearly states the topic. The assignment (e.g. report, presentation) is well organized around an arguable, focused thesis or main idea. Thoughtful transitions clearly show how ideas relate. Conclusion leaves the reader with a sense of closure and provides concluding insights. Writing provides a consistent coherency among ideas. Unsatisfactory: < 8 Emerging: 11-12 Proficient: 13-14 Exemplary: 15-16 ______ / 16 pts


8/14/2017 3:32:19 AM

Standard Components Organization Write with clear organization appropriate to required format, including introduction, thesis/main idea, transitions, and conclusion, when appropriate. CO_W PO 3.a, 3.b, 6.a ILO 2 Introduction is limited or missing entirely. The assignment (e.g. report, presentation) lacks a thesis or main idea. Transitions are infrequent, illogical, or missing entirely. Conclusion is limited or missing entirely. Writing lacks coherence. Introduction is present but incomplete or underdeveloped. The assignment (e.g. report, presentation) is loosely organized around a thesis or main idea that may have to be inferred. Transitions are sporadic and needed in some areas. Conclusion is present, but incomplete or underdeveloped. Writing lacks coherence: mismatch between introduction, body and conclusion of the presentation


8/14/2017 3:32:06 AM

Using SMART objectives, develop at least one process, one impact, and one outcome objective, and provide a brief overview of an evaluation strategy. CO: 4, 5 PO: 5.a, 5.a, 6.a ILO: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 Process, impact, and objective are inappropriate or severely underdeveloped. Evaluation strategy is unreasonable or severely underdeveloped. Process, impact, and objective are appropriate. Evaluation strategy is reasonable and grounded in scholarly evidence, but it is either somewhat underdeveloped or not specific enough. Process, impact, and objective are clear and appropriate. Evaluation strategy is specific, reasonable, and grounded in scholarly evidence. Process, impact, and objective are clear, specific, and thoughtful. Evaluation strategy is specific, thoughtful, likely to success if implemented, and grounded in scholarly evidence. Unsatisfactory: <39 Emerging: 40-44 Proficient: 45-49 Exemplary: 50-52 ___ / 52


8/14/2017 3:31:59 AM

Identify predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors for behavior change based on the theoretical constructs from the preceding step. CO:3, 4, 5 PO: 3.a, 4.b, 5.a, 6.a ILO: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 Factors identified are inaccurate or do not related to behavior change, or they are severely underdeveloped or incomplete. Factors identified are accurate and relate to behavior change; however, only some of the following are present: predisposing, reinforcing, or enabling factors. How they are based on theoretical constructs from previous step is unclear. Factors identified are accurate and relate to behavior change. They present predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors, and they are explicitly based on theoretical constructs from previous step. Factors identified are accurate, thoughtfully examined, and relate to behavior change. They present predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors. They are explicitly and thoughtfully based on theoretical constructs from previous step. Unsatisfactory: <39 Emerging: 40-44 Proficient: 45-49 Exemplary: 50-52 ___ / 52


8/14/2017 3:31:54 AM

Describe and justify the selection of at least two theories of health behavior that can be used to address the behavior problem (the theories should be at different levels—i.e., individual, interpersonal, community). CO:3, 4, 5 PO: 3.a, 4.b, 5.a, 6.a ILO: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 The two theories selected are inappropriate to addressing the behavior problem or the description and justification are severely underdeveloped. The two theories selected are appropriate to addressing the behavior problem, but they do not address different levels, the description is unclear, or justification is underdeveloped. The two theories selected are appropriate to addressing the behavior problem and represent different levels. Description is clear and explains how the theories can address the behavior problem. Justification is grounded in scholarly evidence. The two theories selected are thoughtful and appropriate to addressing the behavior problem and represent different levels. Description is clear and examines how the theories can be applied to address the behavior problem. Justification is grounded in


8/14/2017 3:31:37 AM

Identify key behavioral and environmental risk factors for this health issue in this population. CO:1, 2, 3 PO: 1.b, 4.b ILO: 1, 2, 3, 6 Behavior and environmental risk factors for this health issue are inaccurate or severely underdeveloped. Behavior and environmental risk factors for this health issue are accurate, but they are unclear or not specific. Although they are risk factors for this population, they are not key to this issue. Behavior and environmental risk factors for this health issue are clear, accurate, and specific. They are key risk factors for this population. Behavior and environmental risk factors for this health issue are clear, thoughtful, accurate, and specific. They represent all key risk factors for this population. Unsatisfactory: <36 Emerging: 37-41 Proficient: 42-46 Exemplary: 47-48 ___ / 48


8/14/2017 3:31:32 AM

PH6018 LASA Rubric: Public Health Intervention Project Plan Assignment Components Unsatisfactory Emerging Proficient Exemplary Score: Assign points based upon placement in rubric Briefly describe the selected health problem and the population. CO: 1, 2 PO: 1.b, 4.b ILO: 1, 2, 3, 6 The health problem or population selected is inappropriate for the assignment, or the description is inaccurate or underdeveloped. The health problem and population selected are appropriate for the assignment and different from those already addressed in other assignments in the course, but the description is unclear or underdeveloped. The health problem and population selected are appropriate for the assignment and different from those already addressed in other assignments in the course. Description is clear, specific, and accurate. The health problem and population selected are appropriate for the assignment and different from those already addressed in other assignments in the course. Description is clear, thoughtful, specific, and accurate. Unsatisfactory: <20 Emerging: 21 – 23 Proficient: 24 – 26 Exemplary: 27 – 28 ____ / 28 pts


8/14/2017 3:30:58 AM

In this assignment, you will develop and submit a project plan for a community intervention that addresses a significant public health problem of your choice aside from those topics that have been already addressed in other assignments in this course. Download and read the rubric to understand the expectations. Click here to view the rubric for this assignment. Write a 6-8-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A2.doc.

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