Identify is risks from the case study

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131047190


Perform a web search on recent (in the past 3 years) articles to find an interesting case study, such as news articles in relation to IS risks.

You will need to attach the original version of the case study or provide the URL link to the original case in the appendix when you submit the assignment.

Assuming that you are an IS auditor, prepare an IS audit plan and report to the management of your client. The document must include the followings:

1) Executive Summary

You will need to prepare an executive summary document (0.5 page maximum) to the board of directors.

2) Background to the Case

Background to the client's business and computerised environment. - This is to demonstrate your understanding of the client's business and IS environment.

3) IS Risks

Identify IS risks from the case study, including analysing the likelihood, level of risks and implications to the business.

4) Audit Plan, Objectives and Procedures

Prepare an audit plan outlining the areas that you propose to audit. In addition, you will need to include audit objectives and audit procedures for each of the area(s) that you plan to audit.

5) Audit Questions and Documents

For each of the audit objectives, provide at least three examples of interview questions that you will use to gather evidence from clients, including naming relevant documents that you may want to obtain for the audit.

6) Control Recommendations

Provide a set of recommendations of control mechanism(s) to mitigate for each of the IS risks.

Identify the benefits of your recommendation to your client.


- Format requirements: "Times New Roman" size 12 with 1.5 line spacing, approximately 1500- 2000 words in total (not including references). You must include the total of words used in your report. The report should have appropriate headings and subheadings (including an introduction and conclusion).

- You must acknowledge the use of the work of others (e.g. the academic journal articles on which your report is based) using the Harvard referencing style (see Any ideas or quotations must be correctly cited in the body of your report and a reference list must be provided at the end of your report.

- Review the marking rubric so that you understand the expected standards and how you will receive feedback.

Audit table:



Audit Objective

Audit Procedure

Audit Question

Audit Evidence

Control Recommendation



































































































Reference no: EM131047190

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