Identify invention or prewriting strategy

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131412207

Submit a project that includes a demonstrated prewriting technique, a topic sentence outline, and a draft essay that resulted from your prewriting and outline. Completing this assignment is part of a final capstone paper which will be submitted during Unit 5.

Specifically, you will complete the following:

Select a topic question from the topic list. Click here for the topic list.

Identify and use at least 1 invention or prewriting strategy (mind mapping, brainstorming, listing, freewriting, etc.).

Develop a thesis statement and 3 strong supporting subtopics.

Create a topic sentence outline (scheme strategy).

Prepare a first-draft essay.

Note: Your submission should be double-spaced with 12 point font and 1" margins and include your prewriting, outline, and 500-word-minimum first-draft essay.

Reference no: EM131412207

Questions Cloud

Process of controlling behavior by manipulating : Operant conditioning is the process of controlling behavior by manipulating its consequences. Suppose you assign the least desirable tasks to a worker until he performs well and only then assign him the desired assignments he wants. This OB Mod strat..
Present value of growing perpetuity : The product promises an initial payment of $20,000 at the end of this year and subsequent payments that will thereafter grow at a rate of 0.02 annually. If you use a discount rate of 0.09 for investment products, what is the present value of this ..
Construct dot plots of the five sample proportions : Construct dot plots of the five sample proportions for each sample size on a single real number line. You may want to use different symbols for the different sample sizes. Do you see any pattern emerging?
Construct dot plots of sample proportions for sample size : Your instructor will now provide the data from all teams. Using a graphing calculator or computer, construct dot plots of the sample proportions for each sample size.
Identify invention or prewriting strategy : Identify and use at least 1 invention or prewriting strategy (mind mapping, brainstorming, listing, freewriting, etc.) and Develop a thesis statement and 3 strong supporting subtopics.
What is the yield to maturity at a current price : Heyman company bonds have 4 years left to maturity.interest is paid annually and the bonds have $1000 par value and the coupon rate of 9%. a. What is the yield to maturity at a current price of(1) $829 and (2)$1104?
How the dnssec system can help to prevent these attacks : You have been asked to prepare a two-page report that explains how DNS cache poisoning attacks work and how the DNSSEC system can help to prevent these attacks.
Describe how pattern changes as sample size increases : Describe the patterns displayed by the individual sampling distributions. Then describe how the pattern changes as the sample size increases.
Explain the purpose of gina : Review the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008. Explain the purpose of GINA. Summarize the five congressional findings that helped to create the final GINA law


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