Identify interpersonal conflict and hypothesize

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Reference no: EM133365971

In the film He's Just Not That Into You, a number of interpersonal communication acts play a part in the interconnecting lives of the characters. Use your analysis of the relationships portrayed in movie to present a Communication Improvement Plan for each couple. Your plan should be based on the principles of interpersonal conflict and conflict management as outlined by DeVito in Chapter 11 of your text.

Identify the interpersonal conflict and hypothesize the reason for the conflict

Select at least two strategies for the couple to attempt and discuss how the strategies can be implemented.

Your recommendations should be based on factors that are specific to how the dyad is portrayed in the movie.

Develop and narrate the plan using PowerPoint with narration.

You should have a minimum of 3 slides and a maximum of 7 slides for each dyad.

Textbook Reading: The Interpersonal Communication Book by Joseph A. DeVito, 14th Edition, Chapter 9-Interpersonal Relationship Stages, Theories, and Communication and Chapter 11-Interpersonal Conflict and Conflict Management

Reference no: EM133365971

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