Identify international marketing opportunities in market

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131605619 , Length: word count:2000

Assessment - Country/Product Opportunity Brief

Task - You are expected to research market opportunities, develop a 'Country/Product Opportunity Brief' highlighting the opportunities and challenges that exist for product entry into a given country. Countries will be allocated to each student in Week 1, on a list posted under Resources on our Interact site.

The objective of developing a country/product brief is to identify international marketing opportunities in your focus market for an existing Australian organisation and complete the early sections of a comprehensive international marketing plan. The selected company should be considering (a) entering a new country, or (b) considering the entry of a new product/service to an existing international market, or (c) both. You may NOT contact the organisation during the completion of this assessment.

You will need to conduct research on products/services with which they plan on entering the market, as well as research the most current issues that their company may face in entering a specific country. Issues include, but are not limited to legal/regulatory concerns, political risk, cultural nuances that require adaptation, entry/importation procedures/policies, competitive nature of industry, suppliers/channels of entry, and tariffs/taxes.

You will also need to analyse the skills, resources and capabilities of your chosen organisation with respect to entering this new international market.

The brief should be a maximum of 2000 words. It is strongly recommended to use headings/sub-headings to highlight changes in topic. A suggested structure would include:


  • Explain the specific market opportunity you have identified - what is it, how did you determine

Situation Analysis

  • Business environment - Information on aspects of the macro and micro environment (PESTLE) relevant to this opportunity
  • Market Analysis - Customer segments/profiles relevant to your product in that market, size, growth rates
  • Competitive Analysis - who are the major competitors and what is their competitive advantage
  • Organisational Analysis - evaluation of the Australian organisation/product you recommend for this opportunity - what is their competitive advantage?

SWOT Analysis - a summary of key points discovered in the Situation Analysis.

All information within the brief should be managerially oriented and directly applicable to the specific opportunity/product you are recommending. Students who simply download country profile data without analysis will be penalised.

You are expected to identify a company within the first three (3) weeks of class. The company may be large or small, local or international, have existing products/services or considering new products/services. You must NOT contact these companies, instead relying solely on secondary data. You are expected to utilise numerous data sources in compiling your  project, such as government (country) and non-government sources (UN, World Bank, IMF, etc.), company records, consulting, legal and advertising firms, country-specific internet sites, trade statistics, and embassy resources. Any use of Wikipedia as a source for the assignment will result in an automatic zero mark, as it is not a reliable source.

By the fourth week of class you should submit to your lecturer a project proposalthat includes: overview of the company partner, product/services involved, country into which company is considering entering, sources of information expecting to be used, and schedule of tasks to complete your project. This proposal should be no more than three (3) pages in length. While this proposal is not assigned project assessment marks, the lecturer uses this proposal to determine the feasibility of your project, and reserves the right to ask you to revise your proposal and/or clarify certain aspects of the proposal prior to commencing data collection.


The country/product opportunity brief is designed to encourage you to engage in independent and reflective learning, as well as develop the skills to locate, evaluate and use relevant information for a specific international marketing problem.

This assessment has been designed in order to:

  • assist you to develop and demonstrate your learning about the nature of international marketing and the importance of macro-environmental scanning and research, focusing on Topics 1-5; and
  • allow you to develop your information searching and critical thinking skills.

On successful completion of this assessment, you should:

  • be able to analyse the elements of the global marketplace;
  • be able to critically evaluate global marketing opportunities;
  • be able to interpret and assess the impact of marketplace variables on marketing practice in the global marketplace;

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131605619

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8/19/2017 8:04:41 AM

Australian student, total 2000 words. The country alloted for me for this assignment is Russia. I have updated a table of contents for your second assignment. Please do not think it is just 2000 words (please remember that anything in your appendix or in tables is not included) There is so much other information to include in the report/s which is expected; I have included a customer audit which is needed to be included in the appendix. The answering of the questions will enable you to understand which products you can see into your allocated country from an Australian company. Your analysis is included in the appendix and referred to in the main body of the assignment. I would put all of your macro-environment in a table. And Please make sure you read the information Helen has also provided, also attached. Please include this into your assignment. Just answer the question about your target market you intend to sell to. Put it in your appendix and discuss it briefly in the main body.


8/19/2017 8:04:35 AM

All information within the brief should be managerially oriented and directly applicable to the specific opportunity/product you are recommending. Students who simply download country profile data without analysis will be penalised. You are expected to identify a company within the first three (3) weeks of class. The company may be large or small, local or international, have existing products/services or considering new products/services. You must NOT contact these companies, instead relying solely on secondary data. You are expected to utilise numerous data sources in compiling your project, such as government (country) and non-government sources (UN, World Bank, IMF, etc.), company records, consulting, legal and advertising firms, country-specific internet sites, trade statistics, and embassy resources. Any use of Wikipedia as a source for the assignment will result in an automatic zero mark, as it is not a reliable source.


8/19/2017 8:04:28 AM

Strong evidence of independent investigation, original questioning and analysis. Independently takes and understands multiple perspectives and through these can provide an insightful and/or exhaustive critical discussion of the relevant issues. The context is connected to theory with exceptional, logical and meaningful links. Realistic and supported with explicit connections to the real world context. Free of grammatical errors. Structure and format were clear, logical and consistent. Sentences were well constructed. Exceptional use of clearly relevant graphics. Obvious consistency in style and content, with relevant links between sections. Adheres to word limit. Both in-text and reference list were consistent in terms of style and application of APA referencing.


8/19/2017 8:04:19 AM

The brief should be a maximum of 2000 words. Feel free to use headings/sub-headings to highlight changes in topic. An ideal assignment is your opinion, supported by evidence from respected/reliable sources, expressed in your own words, and fully referenced as to the source of ideas, facts and quotations. ‘In your own words’ is critical in displaying your understanding of the material, rather than being expert at copy and paste. Use Turnitin to check that you have fully paraphrased all your material. Any Turnitin result >15% (excluding reference list) suggests that you have over used other people’s words. Revise, and resubmit your paper to Turnitin. Any use of Wikipedia as a source for the assignment will result in an automatic zero mark, as it is not a reliable source.

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