Reference no: EM132654587 , Length: word count:1000
Case Assignment
Case Analysis Questions
Answer the following questions as indicated. Whenever possible, justify your responses with case facts and/or examples provided in the textbook or lesson notes. Use proper referencing when quoting from textbook or other course materials. The marks for each question are indicated in brackets within each question. Address ALL PARTS of each question - I can't mark what you don't write...
Question 1 Who is the decision maker here? What are his/her interests?
Question 2 What is the problem(s) confronting NES? Provide support from the case, identify all potential reasons for the situation NES is facing.
What do these reasons tell you about differences between cultures in the Europe/North America and China?
Question 3 Identify five important criteria that the decision maker would use in assessing a potential solution to the problem. Why these five?
Question 4 What options does NES have to address the problem? (State and describe the options, do not assess them at this point)
Question 5 Analyze your options from above, using the criteria from # 3 to evaluate them. [HINT: Use a table to structure the answer to this question]
Question 6 What is your recommendation? Why?
Include a one page summary of your analysis as a cover page.
Your write-up should be typed, single spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins. Use headings as appropriate. References to the case and textbook material (this course or any other) should be cited using APA format.
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