Reference no: EM132360503 , Length: word count:1500
ICT Professional Practice Assignment -
Task - Below is a case study about a questionable situation in the ICT industry. You are to write a 1500 word case study report (course outline contains misprint of word count) about the case study making sure that you address each part of the 'Doing Ethics Technique'. For this case study report you are not required to include an executive summary nor the authorisation, limitations, method or scope sections that are normally included in an introduction. Use the title of the case as the title for your case study report.
Your case study report must be produced as a single Microsoft Word document and should include the following:
- Title (use the case study title);
- Introduction;
- Body of the report;
- Conclusion; and
- Reference list using Harvard referencing.
Rationale - The case study report design is to help you to build skills towards achieving the learning objectives, by requiring you to:
- Identify ICT-related ethical issues in a case study;
- Methodically use the 'Doing Ethics Technique' to analyse a case study such that each part of the technique is used to build a full understanding of the complexity of the case;
- recognize the interests of all stakeholders involved in the case;
- Apply knowledge of sustainability frameworks, theories and concepts to build an appropriate response;
- Demonstrate understanding and knowledge of relevant legislation/standards/codes of conduct/universal principles associated with social responsibility, ethical conduct and sustainable practice; and
- Write a case study report which includes a description and analysis of the issues and your recommendations for a solution.
Case Study - Adapted from ACS Code of Professional Case Studies Australian Computer Society April 2014.
Software Procurement
Nirmal is the IT manager in a government department with more than 500 staff members and six branches across Australia. His department has decided to acquire an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. A request for tender for the procurement of the software was advertised in a number of Australian newspapers. Two local companies responded to the advertisement and sent their offers to the department.
When Nirmal opened the envelopes and examined the offers he found that company A's offer is slightly better than company B's offer. To his surprise, company B's offer was made by his best friend Devraj, who is the general manager of company B. Company A's software appeared to be easier to use and easier to modify compared to company B's software. Although the initial cost of company B's software appeared to be less than that of company A's, the former may require some 'tools-consultants' to modify it and some 'business-consultants' to assist in running it, which might eventually raise the total cost.
To complicate matters more, Nirmal received a phone call from Devraj, who urged him to favour his offer, as he is quite desperate to get this deal. He also reminded him that the 'tools and business consultants' who might be needed in the project will be recruited from his home country which means more jobs for his countrymen and in turn more money sent home.
Concerned about his connection to Company B, Nirmal undertakes some preliminary research into Company A. He discovers that the head of the government department, Robert Brown, has an interest in Company A and could stand to benefit substantially if the contract is given to Company A. Office chatter within the department suggests that Robert Brown has a habit of getting what he wants and an ability of finding out who is responsible when that doesn't happen.
Nirmal has worked hard to achieve his position and is proud of his job and his work ethic, he now finds himself in a difficult position, what should he do?
Assignment Guidelines - A good understanding of ICT Ethics will be required for successful completion of this assignment. It is imperative that students take heed of the following points in relation to doing this assignment:
1. Ensure that you clearly understand the requirements for the assignment - what has to be done and what are the deliverables.
2. If you do not understand any of the assignment requirements - ask your lecturer.
3. Each time you work on any aspect of the assignment reread the assignment requirements to ensure that what is required is clearly understood.
Attachment:- Professional Practice Assignment File.rar