Identify how your company uses inventory

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131230170 , Length:

Module - SLP


SLP2 is focused on inventory management in your company.

Session Long Project

Continue using your fictitious company from SLP1 and continue to develop the company profile and operating information.

Identify how your company uses inventory. What are three different inventories of products or supplies that the company maintains? What do you think is the total amount of inventory on average that is maintained in comparison to the annual income of the company? What do you think are some key methods that your company could use to manage and track inventory, e.g. technology systems, and/or lean methods?

This paper should be approximately 3-5 pages in length counting the intro, body, and summary. You should include references and cite them properly in the paper. Generally, at least three references should be used.

SLP Assignment Expectations

- First discuss the recap your company and add any additional information about it that will add necessary and/or interesting information as background to the discussion of inventory.

- Then identify at least three different inventory types based on the products, supplies, or other materials needed, used, or provided to the customer. Note: capital equipment (machines or fixtures used to provide services) are not inventory. The cost of this equipment is depreciated and included in the overhead costs of providing the service.

- Determine the average value of the total inventory maintained by the company and how this compares to the annual gross income of the company. Discuss inventory turns and overhead costs if something is produced for inventory.

- What are the key issues or problems with inventory, such as accuracy of inventory records, maintaining, storing, moving and controlling inventory, assuring quality from suppliers, getting on time deliveries, etc.

- Discuss the key methods that the company uses or could use to manage and track inventory, e.g. technologies, methodologies, etc. And how does the company attempt to solve its inventory issues.

- Look into similar companies for comparable inventory turns.

Review all of the resources for this module. Use them to help you create/invent issues about inventory and how you would improve.

You should look for additional references about the type of business you are operating with specific information about improving inventory operations.

Verified Expert

The particular write-up made here is a continuation of the discussion made in the assignment-1. Mainly there are issues such as type of inventory in the current task, management considerations as well as possible issues. Also included is inventory turn overs discussion and the software for inventory management.

Reference no: EM131230170

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10/4/2016 2:18:30 AM

I need a 4-page paper written at the Master's level regarding inventory - You should look for additional references about the type of business you are operating with specific information about improving inventory operations

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