Identify groups of people affected by the problem or issue

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Reference no: EM133693177

Homework: Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue

Competencies Measured:

By successfully completing this homework, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:

I. Competency I: Apply information literacy and library research skills to obtain scholarly information in the field of health care.

1. Use scholarly information to describe and explain a health care problem or issue and identify possible causes for it.

II. Competency II: Apply scholarly information through critical thinking to solve problems in the field of health care.

1. Analyze a health care problem or issue by describing the context, explaining why it is important and identifying populations affected by it.

2. Discuss potential solutions for a health care problem or issue and describe what would be required to implement a solution.

III. Competency III: Apply ethical principles and academic standards to the study of health care.

1. Explain the ethical principles (Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, and Justice) if potential solution was implemented

IV. Competency IV: Write for a specific audience, in appropriate tone and style, in accordance with Capella's writing standards.

1. Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

2. Write following APA style for in-text citations, quotes, and references.

Write a 4 to 6 pages analysis of a current problem or issue in health care, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications.


In your health care career, you will be confronted with many problems that demand a solution. By using research skills, you can learn what others are doing and saying about similar problems. Then, you can analyze the problem and the people and systems it affects. You can also examine potential solutions and their ramifications. This homework allows you to practice this approach with a real-world problem.


I. Describe the health care problem or issue you selected for use in Homework and provide details about it.

1. As you describe the topic you explored in Homework, use the first four steps of the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach to aid your critical thinking. This approach was introduced in Homework.

2. Identify possible causes for the problem or issue.

II. Use scholarly information to describe and explain the health care problem or issue and identify possible causes for it.

1. Identify at least three scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles about the topic.

2. You may find the How Do I Find Peer-Reviewed Articles? library guide helpful in locating appropriate references.

3. You may use articles you found while working on Homework or you may search the Capella library for other articles.

4. You may find the applicable Undergraduate Library Research Guide helpful in your search.

5. Review the Think Critically About Source Quality to help you complete the following:

6. Assess the credibility of the information sources.

7. Assess the relevance of the information sources.

III. Analyze the health care problem or issue.

1. Describe the setting or context for the problem or issue.

2. Describe why the problem or issue is important to you.

3. Identify groups of people affected by the problem or issue.

4. Provide examples that support your analysis of the problem or issue.

IV. Discuss potential solutions for the health care problem or issue.

1. Describe what would be required to implement a solution.

2. Describe potential consequences of ignoring the problem or issue.

3. Provide the pros and cons for one of the solutions you are proposing.

V. Explain the ethical principles (Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, and Justice) if potential solution was implemented.

1. Describe what would be necessary to implement the proposed solution.

2. Explain the ethical principles that need to be considered (Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, and Justice) if the potential solution was implemented.

3. Provide examples from the literature to support the points you are making.

Reference no: EM133693177

Questions Cloud

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Identify groups of people affected by the problem or issue : Identify groups of people affected by the problem or issue. Provide examples that support your analysis of the problem or issue.
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Developmental theories are also important in helping nurses : Developmental theories are also important in helping nurses assess and treat a person's response to an illness.


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