Identify form of technology and asses its impact on language

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13812003

Assignment Guidelines: Writing Project 3 - Technology, Language & Writing (Critical Evaluation)

Technology, Language & Writing

Context & Description

Technology impacts most of our lives on a daily basis. From the smart phones we hold in our hands to the laptops and tablets we use for school, work or leisure, technology has changed, and continues to influences the ways in which we communicate, work, learn, and play.
While some developments in technology are well-received and widely used in effective ways that benefit society, other developments bring about controversy and disagreement over how specific technologies are used and to what extent. For instance, video games have become popular among people of all generations, but its uses and effects on people and society has created some very different views. Video games are sometimes blamed for promoting negative behavior among children and adolescents, such as criminal activities and physical violence (Barlett, et al., O'Toole). Some people also argue that habitual uses of video games lead to health issues such as addiction and obesity (Grüsser et al.). Video game addiction can also lead to sleep deprivation and lack of concentration, and in some cases affect people's performance at work or school. While some people may be quick to dismiss all forms of gaming as the culprit, others argue that not all video games or all uses of video games are problematic. James Gee, a literacy specialist and advocate for the use of video games in teaching and learning, argues that "any learning, whether it's books, a movie, or a game, can lead to bad or good results depending on the environment in which it's [played], not the game itself" and thatgood video games can be extremely useful as a learning tool, facilitating the development of problem-solving abilities and language skills" (Sheffield 11).

Various forms of technology have also changed what it means to be literate. In 2008, The National Council of Teachers of English issued a statement defining twenty-first century literacies, recognizing the role of technology in shaping the meaning of literacy: "Because technology has increased the intensity and complexity of literate environments, the twenty-first century demands that a literate person possess a wide range of abilities and competencies." Literacy in this sense includes many types of activities that are "multiple, dynamic, and malleable"--such as reading online newspaper articles to participating in virtual class discussion and even interacting on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Weibo. How has technology shaped your literacy practices? What are your reactions to them? What would happen if you lost access to those forms of technology? The goal of this project is to critically assess the impact that a specific type of technology has had on our language and literacy practices.

Write a critical evaluation essay in which you identify a form of technology and assess its impact on language or literacy practices. For the purpose of this project, technology can be defined broadly to include hardware (e.g., cell phones, tablets, computers, video projectors) and software (e.g., word processors, Internet browsers) as well as online resources (e.g., websites, online apps and social networking sites).
Once you have identified a form of technology for your project, you will need to think about the criteria for evaluating the technology. Some of these criteria may reflect your own values and beliefs surrounding literacy and learning, but you will also need to take into consideration the values and beliefs of your audience. Then, use the criteria to evaluate the form of technology you have chosen, thinking carefully about how it meets (or does not meet) each criterion. Based on your analysis, consider the role of technology in language and literacy practices and learning as well as the use of the particular form of technology you have examined. In order to produce an informed discussion and evaluation, you will also have to ensure that you are familiar with public debates and important factual information regarding these technologies, so you will have to conduct some research on the technology you select and the impact you evaluate!

As you explore your ideas, consider the following questions: What are some of the new forms of technology that you have encountered in your literacy practices--both within and outside the classroom? What are some forms of technology that you have always had access to and have come to take for granted? How have they influenced the ways in which you read and write as well as think, learn and interact with others? What are some of the benefits of the technology? What are some of the problems introduced by the same technology? How are people reacting to the technology--enthusiastic acceptance, outright rejection, or critical engagement? How can the technology be altered or adapted to facilitate literacy practices and learning while avoiding the problems associated with it? What's the next step? Where do we go from here?

Your Policy proposal should be about 2,000 words in length, written in a 12-point font like Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins; also always include your name, ASU ID, class and section number, and date in the top left corner of your first page, as well as a List of Works Cited of sources you use in your Writing Project, in APA format (see the OWL at Purdue); you have to use a minimum of three (3) reliable sources (magazines, source books, encyclopedias, scholarly articles, etc.) to establish your topic and evaluation. You will submit both a rough draft of your paper (on which I and two of your peers will give you feedback, to be used in your revisions) and a final draft on Blackboard, and you will bring a revised draft to class for additional peer and instructor feedback; I will create the relevant links in time for you to submit your assignment drafts on Blackboard.

Learning Objectives

In this project, you will learn to:

? Demonstrate your understanding of the multiple perspectives and representations of your object

? Identify a set of criteria by which you can evaluate your object

? Identify the audience for your writing

? Articulate the criteria for your evaluation and persuade the audience if some of the criteria have not already been shared with the audience

? Formulate a claim based upon your evaluation of your object

? Consider larger implication of the evaluation

? Identify, develop and organize supporting evidence.

Reference no: EM13812003

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