Reference no: EM133315571
Case Study: Josh and Jane had spent the last couple of months designing their Mediterranean themed new home in close consultation with their architect. Having toiled over all the designs, revisions, the necessary approvals and the possible issues, they now wanted to select and engage a registered builder to start construction soon - someone they could trust and who would obviously build them their Mediterranean themed new dream home. Mediterranean homes typically feature a red-tiled roof (usually terracotta), as well as brick or stucco that's often painted white. Stone details, carved doors, and raw iron and metal work on windows, over balconies, and front doors are other common features. As they began to scour the Yellow Pages and the Internet it dawned on them both they had no idea of how to select a quality builder, let alone what they would do throughout the construction process to ensure the Mediterranean themed home for them both. They had come to realise that the term 'quality' was not only a subjective word in itself; it was also hard to accurately measure in many cases. As they searched, they wondered if a quality builder was:
• A registered builder.
• A builder with insurance, satisfied customers, or an extensive range of floor plans.
• A builder who was on-site, regularly inspecting work and was willing to redo any inferior work uncovered.
• Someone who designed and built homes to some industry standard.
• Someone with the expertise to revise and change the plan along the way as areas of improvement and innovation were identified. Most of the advertisements they had read tended to focus heavily on industry registration numbers and years of experience. Some detailed expertise and experience, while other builders included glossy pictures of the houses they had built. Little of this had been helpful for Josh and Jane. They decided that they needed advice on:
• Identifying their quality standards
• Who to speak to and where to get professional advice
• How they should manage any quality issues to ensure quality is met at each stage of construction
• Developing clear outcomes and setting performance requirements
They approach you with a copy of the CodeMark Scheme - a third-party scheme for the certification of building products and systems, to assist in addressing these areas and to provide information on project status and a quality completion report before the final handover once their home is completed.
Question: Identify and describe five quality deliverables that will be required by Josh and Jane in the construction of their house.