Reference no: EM132362275
Professional Skills Portfolio
1. Go to Seek com au
2. Identify 5 current positions suitable for an entry level accountant in Australia. Go into the details for each position and take a screen shot of the position.
3. Create a combined checklist of criteria from the five positions. A table with a row for each criteria. A column for each position and a tick to indicate if the criteria was mentioned.
4. Identify a criteria that you will specifically address in your portfolio.
5. Reflect on your personal qualities, characteristics and how they relate to the requirements of the accounting positions that you have identified.
6. Conduct research to identify the features of an effective Linkedin profile
7. Conduct research to identify the changing nature of the accounting profession and the qualities necessary for success in the future.
Products to be submitted:
1. Screen shots of five positions
2. Checklist of the criteria
3. Choose ONE of the positions and create a cover letter (1 page maximum) to introduce yourself and accompany an application for the position.
4. In 300 words respond to ONE of the criteria (note that in a job application it would be important to address ALL of the criteria). For the criteria explain how the studies that you have completed to date within your MPA program demonstrate that you meet the criteria.
You will be assessed on your understanding of the criteria and your ability to connect experiences and tasks to that criteria.
5. Create an infographic that illustrates how your strengths relate to the requirements of the position.
6. Create a Linkedin profile specifically appropriate for you as an accountant (to be submitted as a Word document - you can decide whether you wish to join Lindedin).
7. Identify the position that you wish to have in 10 years. In a table (with two columns - criteria and reference) identify the expected criteria for that position (with references, based on the changing nature of the accounting profession).
Create a timeline showing the actions that you will take over the next 10 years to meet those criteria. (n.b. the position does not have to be in accounting, but it is important that you consider how you will leverage your accounting degree to achieve the position.)