Identify factors from the different sections of Loden Wheel

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Reference no: EM133233976

Assignment - Cultural Awareness Lodens Wheel Paper

Description - Loden's Wheel is considered an important tool in considering factors of diversity. Used in diversity trainings across the nation, the wheel provides a foundation for thinking about potential conflicts we may be blind to. There are numerous versions and adaptations of Loden's Wheel; the one used in this assignment is the most extensive one for analyzing the complexity of the topic. You will be using Loden's Wheel to identify factors in yourself from the various levels of the wheel.

Prompt - Using the provided Module Two Practice Activity Template Word Document, you will use the factors on Loden's Wheel to help define aspects of yourself. You will first identify factors from the different sections of Loden's Wheel: internal factors, external factors, organizational factors, and era factors. You will then select the most influential factors from each section of the wheel (a minimum of three from each section) and provide an explanation as to why you chose those factors. How do those factors impact who you are? How do they directly or indirectly shape your personality?

Keep the following in mind as you are identifying factors and providing rationale:

-Be sure to discern between often-confused factors, such as race and ethnicity.

-The factors may vary in level of depth and broadness. For example, experiences may be broad, whereas age is specific.

-In the outermost circle, era is used to provide a broader view of how things shape individuals. For instance, 9/11 or the O. J. Simpson trial may impact your locale or a group you identify with, or they may shape your parents or community at large. Consider war and conflict, politics, social movements, movies and albums released, and so on.

-You do not need to describe all factors. Only include what you are comfortable sharing.

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

-Identify internal factors of self (a minimum of three).

-Provide rationale as to why selected internal factors are most influential on your personality.

-Identify external factors of self (a minimum of three).

-Provide rationale as to why selected external factors are most influential on your personality.

-Identify organizational factors of self (a minimum of three).

-Provide rationale as to why selected organizational factors are most influential on your personality.

-Identify era factors of self (a minimum of three).

-Provide rationale as to why selected era factors are most influential on your personality.

Reference no: EM133233976

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