Identify each component within your rewritten goal statement

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Reference no: EM133190988

Program Evaluation Essay Assignment: Agency Mini Project and Interview

Advanced Generalist section competencies:

Clinical section competencies.

This assignment is completed at your current practicum placement, ideally; however, it also works in a variety of other contexts. There was a previous student who worked at an automotive factory and was able to successfully complete the assignment and in fact did an exceptional job. So, if you are not in a current practicum placement, you can still complete the assignment. If you are not in a practicum placement now, but are currently employed at a social work agency, you could use that example. You can also complete the assignment based on a previous practicum placement.

Please note: This assignment requires you to complete an interview with a field instructor or supervisor at the agency, so be sure to plan accordingly. Agency workers have hectic schedules so allow time for them to respond and do not wait until the last minute to complete the interview about the related components of the assignment.

Answer the questions below based on your interview with either a field instructor or an agency supervisor. The purpose of this assignment is to explore agency missions, values, and goals, and then consider if the agency operates according to them. Interviews help you understand, at a deeper level, the employee perspective and also offers insight into agency operations. You then have the opportunity to demonstrate your critical thinking and analysis skills, as well as your ability to interpret and reframe based on information received. This is a complex assignment and needs to be worked as such. Don't stop at the superficial level and don't over- simplify the work of the assignment. Also, keep in mind that it is not the interviewee's role to grade your homework or give you answers, rather for you to seek their thoughts on what you have written. This is your assignment, not theirs.

Question I. Identify your chosen agency being used in this assignment. Identify the field instructor or supervisor who serves as your interviewee in this assignment. Provide the citation that shows the interviewee's name and date of interview.

Question II. Obtain a copy of your chosen agency's mission statement. Include the mission statement in your submission, in its entirety (include reference and citation). Do you believe your agency is living up to its mission statement? Why or why not?

Question III. Obtain a copy of your chosen agency's goal(s). Include the agency's goal in your submission in its entirety (include reference and citation). Do you believe your agency is living up to its goal? Why or why not?

Question IV. Obtain a copy of your chosen agency's program objectives. Some programs do not have objectives, but do not assume that there are none. Ask your interviewee to learn the answer. Include the program's objectives in your submission in their entirety (include reference and citation). If there are no program objectives, then state this in the submission. Do you believe the program is meeting its objectives? Why or why not?

Question V. Meet with your interviewee (field instructor or supervisor). Discuss the agency's mission goals, and program objectives. Ask their perspective on if the agency is meeting the mission, goals, and program objectives, and learn why or why not. Discuss your perspective and engage in full dialogue about similarities and differences, and why they may occur. This is an excellent opportunity to lead professional and respectful communication. Take notes about the interview for use in your submission.

Question VI. Rewrite your chosen agency's goal statement using the four components outlined in the text (Grinnell, Gabor, and Unrau, 2019, p. 111). Identify each of the 4 components within your rewritten goal statement. Present your new goal to your interviewee (field instructor or supervisor). Does your interviewee agree with your new goal statement? If not, why not? Take notes about the discussion for use in your submission.

Question VII. Provide an example of one SMART program objective from your practicum setting. If it's not SMART, modify it so it is SMART. If your agency does not have program objectives, write one using the SMART format discussed in your textbook. Discuss your revised SMART objective with your interviewee. Does your interviewee like your new SMART objective? Why, or why not? NOTE: This assignment is based on your chosen AGENCY and what THEIR program objectives are. This is NOT your learning objectives.

Question VIII. Write a brief statement about the learned value, to you, from this assignment.

Attachment:- Mission-Statement.rar

Reference no: EM133190988

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