Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM132289039

1. Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems. The objective of this week's topic is to ask questions about how systems thinking can be implemented. To achieve this we need to have a good understanding of:

• What systems thinking is and what it is trying to achieve. You might want to review back to last week's readings and material;
• Secondly what tools and techniques can be used to make systems thinking work? In fact this is the purpose of systems engineering, which is a comprehensive way of implementing systems thinking;
• How with systems thinking and systems engineering project managers might solve problems?
• The conventional project management thinking says that Project, Program and Portfolio management is a solution to solving project problems. But is it really?
• Think of the problems that BP have faced with The Deepwater Horizon and Texas City disasters. Did systems thinking and systems engineering help them?
• How about the Chief Counsel's Report? Does it show that BP had a good idea about systems thinking?

In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don't! What are your thoughts?

Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?

2. Assess the relevance of systems engineering to project cases. The objective of this week's topic is to ask questions about how valuable is Systems Engineering to Project Management and the project cases we are considering. The big case we have been looking at has been BP and Texas City then Deepwater Horizon. We now have a basic understanding of Systems Engineering, Project, Program, and Portfolio Management, so we can ask ourselves:
• Does Systems Engineering have any relevance to the two BP catastrophes?
• Are there any sources that might claim there is relevance, for example SEBoK?
• How with systems thinking and systems engineering project managers might solve problems?
• Does Project, Program and Portfolio management provide any relevance? Either in conjunction or not with Systems Engineering?
• How do we know these things? What proof do we have? How strong is it? Would the strength of the proof encourage the board of BP to invest in these solutions?
• Think of the problems that BP have faced with The Deepwater Horizon and Texas City disasters. Did Project, Program and Portfolio Management as well as systems engineering help them? If not then why not? After all BP has more money than we can imagine and surely they did not allow these catastrophes to occur out of ignorance and because they wanted to pay billions in compensation, as well as kill people and ruin the environment?
• How about the Chief Counsel's Report? Does it show that BP had a good idea about Project, Program and Portfolio Management as well as systems engineering?

In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don't! What are your thoughts?

Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?

3. Describe how systems engineering concepts and methodologies can help a project, program and portfolio managers organise a project. The objective of this week's topic is to ask questions about the concepts and methodologies in systems engineering and how a project manager might use them. At first reading you might start thinking that this topic is similar to last week "Week 3: Assess the relevance of systems engineering to project cases." However, if you think about it then you hopefully realise that there are differences. Last week we were thinking about the relevance of systems engineering to BP, whereas this week we're asking a more broader question about the systems engineering concepts and methodologies to organising a project. So, some of the questions that might immediately spring to your mind are:
• What is the difference between a concept and methodology - maybe you'll need to look this up in a dictionary? You might like to consider the comparison of a taxonomy to an axiom. From this thought what do you think a concept is? Is it a taxonomy or an axiom? Similarly, what is a methodology - taxonomy or an axiom?
• Are there specific things we can find in SEBoK that help with defining concepts and methodologies? Are there common ideas in project, program and portfolio management that help? How about the Kerzner text book? Is there anything useful in the Al-Mamary, Shamsuddin, & Aziati article?

In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don't! What are your thoughts?

Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?

4. Explain the importance of appropriate selection of project management (PM) application systems in regards to meeting the internal and external objectives of a project. The objective of this week's topic is to look at some applications systems and reflect upon their use in project management. So, some of the questions that might immediately spring to your mind are:
• What are application systems? To answer this question you might like to go back to the PMBOK and look up PMIS (Project Management Information Systems). A PMIS is an essential component for Project Management decision making. However, it's fairly obvious that information is the raw material of decision making and without information then making decisions is guesswork! The big computer software vendors SAP, Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, and others know this very well and promote the message that their systems are superb at allowing quick and powerful decisions to be made! But do you think their claims are true?
• The problem with information is that to obtain it takes time and cost money? So how much time do you have and how much should you spend? Have a look at the SEBoK, Kerzner, AS/NZS 15288 and the Raymond & Bergeron article to try to get a handle on this issue. You might also like to consider the advice in AS ISO 21504 on Project, programme and portfolio management. The theory from 21504 is that information flows from the program up to the portfolio and strategy flows down from the portfolio to the project. Sounds good. But is it that simple? If so then why did BP not implement project, programme and portfolio management and solve their problems?

In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don't! What are your thoughts?

Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?

5. Describe how the use of project management (PM) application systems can lead to effective PM knowledge management and decision making. The objective of this week's topic is to describe how the use of applications systems impact and realise effective decision making through knowledge management. I have deliberately underlined certain section in the previous sentence. You might like to compare this week's topic with last week's topic. They are similar, but for the emphasis on describing the use of applications systems and knowledge management. Last week we investigated some application systems, notably those from SAP, Oracle, IBM and Microsoft. This week you are trying to describe how they influence knowledge management and particularly decision making. The importance of decision making is of preeminent significance. If we are not going to decide, then what are we doing? The whole point of project management is to plan what we want to do. Then monitor and control that we're doing what we want. If anything deviates from our goal, then we apply our knowledge to make decisions and get things back on track! So, ask yourself and reflect on:
• What are application systems? To answer this question, you might like to go to your reflections last week?
• What is the problem or inhibitors to project realisation?
• What do the application systems need to do?
• How does knowledge management help in this process?
• What do we need to be in place to make effective decisions?

In this week's readings and material, you'll find answers to these questions.

In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don't! What are your thoughts?

Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?

6. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of different manual and electronic project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems within each PPPM knowledge area over the life cycle of a project, program or portfolio. The objective of this week's topic is to encourage you to ask yourself questions about the veracity of electronic computer systems against the applicability and stickability of manual (i.e. paper, but not only paper) systems. Previously you have seen and heard from the likes of Oracle, SAP, IBM and Microsoft. If you believe them then you will be convinced that all you need to do is invest in their software and life is good! Does that then mean that you can dispense with a diary or note book? What about work instructions, job packs, safety checklists, hand written notes and diagrams? How about the taking photos at work of equipment or the environment? Will the computer system do that for you? Is the use of electronic computer systems equal for all people across all projects? Is it the same in engineering, mining, manufacturing, healthcare, IT, in the city, in the country, at sea, in the air? Is there a need to use electronic or manual systems at different phases of the life cycle, such as initiation, planning , execution, closing, reporting to the project board, holding meetings with clients, So, ask yourself and reflect on:
• How comprehensive are the application systems?
• Are there times when human beings need to read and write on paper?
• Does this change as the project or project environment changes?

In this week's readings and material, you'll find answers to these questions. The SEBoK reading is particularly useful and describes five different applications of systems engineering. 15288 is quite interesting with the descriptions of various models. Does modelling help or confuse? Who would benefit from a model?

In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don't! What are your thoughts?

Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?

7. Identify how project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems can assist project managers to monitor performance and manage changes within a project. The objective of this week's topic is to provide you with an opportunity to reflect on the impact and life cycle of changes to the project. Project management is about risk and uncertainty management! If there is no uncertainty then there is no need for a project! Because there is always uncertainty with a project then there are almost always occasions when change is required. Change being the process of having to adjust the thing or things that has been planned. So, ask yourself and reflect on:
• How do application systems help monitor performance?
• How do application systems help manage change?
• For fun you might like to reverse those questions above, such as, asking how do applications systems hinder performance monitoring or manage change?

In this week's readings and material, you'll find answers to these questions. In 2017 the PMI updated both the Program and Portfolio Management Standards. You can either look at the 3rd or 4th editions, or if you're keen both! The 3rd edition of Program Management chapter 8 discusses the Supporting Processes, whereas the 4th has called it Program Activities - the changes and additions between the two are quite interesting. In the 3rd edition of the Portfolio Management Standard chapter 7 is called Portfolio Communication Management, whereas in the 4th it is called Value Management. Appendix X1 explains the rationale for the changes.

In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don't! What are your thoughts?

Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?

8. Propose appropriate project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems to support successful project, program and portfolio execution in different industry domains. Gosh, what a wonderful week - no readings or anything to do!!!

However, the objective of this week's topic is to provide you with an opportunity to propose what application systems you think will support successful project execution in different industries.

So, ask yourself and reflect on:
• What is required by organisations from their application systems? Think about PMIS's i.e. the systems required to run a project, program, and portfolio. What is required to communicate between them? From the portfolio down to the project and then from the project back to the portfolio.
• How do application systems help this happen? What is the information that needs to flow up and down?
• In what way would the appropriate application systems have helped BP? Or any other organisation you might have studied in this course?

This week's topic is really the heart of this unit PPMP20012 Program and Portfolio Information Systems. Obviously, for a big organisation like BP having visibility into what's happening within the organisation is incredibly important. Failure to do so means that accidents like Texas City and Deepwater Horizion become far worse that they should. The Chief Counsel identified some fundamental managerial, training, systems, cultural, and relationship failures in Chapter Five of his report. Addressing these will have substantial impact in the future. However, an organisation like BP is working in an inherently dangerous environment (hydrocarbons). Surely it is incumbent on them to make sure that everything they do is safe? To really achieve maximum safety, they need to make sure that they have total visibility into everything. But is this possible? What technology can achieve this? What will be the cost? How long will it take and who should be involved?

Then think about other industries, such as governments, health care, transportation, manufacturing, construction, entertainment tourism, military, justice and the police, and so on and on. Is it the same for all of them? Do they all need visibility into what's happening in their organisations?

In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don't! What are your thoughts?

Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?

9. Discuss contemporary developments in the use of project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems. Finally, we come to the last of the formal portfolio templates. After this template you will start putting together your consolidated portfolio.

However, please bear in mind that there is some additional material next week that you should reflect on in the Consolidated Portfolio. Don't fail to reflect on it in your Consolidated Portfolio since they are included in the marking criteria. It's just that once you've uploaded this 10th portfolio in the 11th week there is not much chance of providing further discussion in the tutorials. Also, by now you should have got the idea about the portfolios and so don't really need a template!

The topic for both week 10 and 11 is the same and concerns where and what is happening with project management application systems to make them really useful. In this unit we started with looking at BP and the tragic disasters they have had at Texas City and Deepwater Horizon. We then spent the past ten weeks considering aspects of project management applications and how they might help project, program and portfolio management. The key objective is to be able to provide visibility and accuracy into what's happening in an organisation so that quick decisions can be made. The consequence is that an organisation such as BP will be able to take alternate actions and avoid Texas City and Deepwater incidents! However, hopefully your reflections and investigations have also revealed that this is a lot easier to say and write than to do in real life!

The material from both the Sterman book and the InsightMaker web site show how models can be developed to allow analysis of possible scenarios. Imagine that there is a connection between those models and the data that is being collected in the real world. Then scenario analysis could be performed to provide the possibilities of different outcomes. Would that be useful to BP? What would be required to ensure that the models are an accurate reflection of the real world? What commitment would be required by people to make this happen?

In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don't! What are your thoughts?

Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?

10. Propose appropriate project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems to support successful project, program and portfolio execution in different industry domains. The objective of this week's topic is to make sure you have a broad understanding of
• The unit's fundamental objectives;
• Systems Thinking
• Systems Engineering
• Project, Program and Portfolio management;
• The Deepwater Horizon and Texas City disasters
• The challenges that face organisations like BP, it's partners and the broader community;

In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don't! What are your thoughts?

Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?

11. Discuss contemporary developments in the use of project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems. The objective of this week's topic is to make sure you have a broad understanding of
• The unit's fundamental objectives;
• Systems Thinking
• Systems Engineering
• Project, Program and Portfolio management;
• The Deepwater Horizon and Texas City disasters
• The challenges that face organisations like BP, it's partners and the broader community;

In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don't! What are your thoughts?

Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?

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The assignment needed us to fill the third column of the template provided by explaining Learnings from the weekly study, experience, and all unit readings and assignments.There were some points/questions already provided in the 3rd column and we were needed to either expand the point or answer the questions provided.

Reference no: EM132289039

Questions Cloud

Write about the supermarket roof collapse : Conduct research on the Internet on the 1988 "Supermarket Roof Collapse-Burnaby, B. C., Canada" and write a maximum 250 words text. Your text must include.
What do we know of the rituals : Compare the architectural complexes of Teotihuacan and Chaco Canyon. Evaluate the arguments for understanding both of these early monuments of American art.
Compare the renderings of the crucified christ : Compare the renderings of the crucified Christ on the cover of the Lindau Gospels (Figure 15-21) and the Gero Crucifix (Figure 15-24). Consider the differences.
What type of shapes do the lines in the rectangles create : Pay close attention to the proportions in each rectangle. What type of shapes and negative shapes do the lines in the rectangles create?
Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques : PPMP20012 - Program and Portfolio Management Information Systems - CQ University - What systems thinking is and what it is trying to achieve
Explain how each piece of art fits into the gallery : Students will "collect" twelve pieces of art, with at least ten being visual, and will explain how each piece of art fits into their gallery. Each piece of art.
What is the purpose of this essay : Are there elements of pathos, ethos, and logos in this essay? Do these appeals work together to propose a solution?
Compute the current ratio and acid-test ratio : Instructions: Compute the following ratios for 2018. (a) Current ratio. (b) Acid-test ratio. (c) Receivables turnover. (d) Profit margin. (e) Return on assets
Describe what type of lighting you will use for your set : Describe what type of lighting you will use for your set. Limited lighting may be available. Might want to consider flashlights and/or lamps to use.



4/20/2019 3:33:33 AM

you have to fill 3 column (2-12). i attach sample file. if you not understand then text me. also i attach PPT for finding answer. for each learning outcome unit has Diffrent PPT which i attach. and sample number 1 is done by me which you can see.

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