Identify different categories of network security attacks

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131047171

Security Attacks and their Solutions

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the project, students should be able:

- To learn and identify different categories of network security attacks in LAN and WAN environments.
- To apply specific security solutions for different types of attacks

Types of Attacks

1. DOS & DDOS attacks
- Consume host resources
- Consume bandwidth
- Crashing the victim
- Forcing more computation

2. TCP Layer attacks
- TCP Session Hijacking
- TCP SYN Flooding
- TCP Session Poisoning

3. Routing Attacks (IP Attacks)
- IP fragmentation attack
- IP address spoofing attack
- Traffic amplification attack

4. Application Layer attacks
- DNS spoofing (DNS Cache Poisoning)
- Applications & User authenticity attack
- Search engine poisoning attack

5. ICMP Protocol Attacks (Email attacks)
- No authentication
- ICMP redirect message
- ICMP destination unreachable
- ICMP echo request/reply

Individual Deliverables (Research & Documentation by individual members)

1. Select 1 of the type of attack given above and provide very specific and latest research based solution (countermeasure) for that type of attack and its sub categories.

2. Also justify your answer with practical solutions of the attack in any LAN or WAN network (draw diagrams where necessary).


- All sections above should include proper evaluation of alternatives.
- An effort to ensure there is standardization must be indicated in all designs.
- Use appropriate diagrams wherever possible to illustrate your proposals.

Reference no: EM131047171

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