Identify define and analyze the business objective

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131585431

Manage Knowledge and Information Assessment

Case Study

Margaret House, CEO of Bounce Fitness and the Board of Directors are keen to have the four Centers registered with Fitness Australia ( They feel that standards required to be met as a registered fitness center would not only ensure the credibility of the organization in the eyes of the public but would provide goals for the Centre Managers and teams.

Registration will require meeting the Code of Conduct for the state in which each Centre is located and ensuring that all trainers meet, or immediately undertake training to meet, certain standards. Information about the registration can be obtained by going to the Fitness Australia website and clicking on the Register Your Fitness Business tab. The Codes of Conduct for each State are also linked here if you scroll down the page.

The minimum educational qualification required by Bounce Fitness for all trainers is the Certificate III in Fitness Instructing and all trainers must hold this to continue to work as a trainer of classes and individual clients. At this point in time, this has not been consistently applied. In Cairns all are qualified, in Brisbane two (2) need the basic training, and in Melbourne there is one (1). It is intended under the change management initiative that all trainers, once they have completed the basic training will continue to pursue further training, the Certificate IV and Diploma, annually as personal development.

Bounce Fitness will pay for the training fees and other incidentals such as text book requirements and provide one (1) paid hour per week for study leave. Bounce Fitness will also reimburse travel and accommodation for compulsory study attendance sessions. You can get more information on this at the Fitness Australia website under the Fitness Careers / Get qualified tab.

It is expected that the change management process will be fairly smooth if adequate measures are taken and the process is well managed. The major resistance will come from the three (3) trainers who do not have this qualification and have learned through experience. That is why they do not have it now. They will also not want to participate in the further training initiative.

If the whole standardization process is not managed carefully, there is potential for dissatisfaction and all Centers may not comply with the standardized procedures. This is a major concern for the Executive; hence your recommendations are crucial.

In essence, Bounce Fitness' continuous improvement policy encapsulates the organization's commitment to the following:

  • Providing systematic continuous improvement of its operations, management systems, training, life coaching and activities through consultation with staff, clients, stakeholders and external experts
  • Qualitative and quantitative data is collected and analyzed to determine the need for improvement
  • Improvements are applied where they are deemed necessary
  • Feedback to be provided to those that have contributed to the data

In addition, the organization believes in the importance of quality to achieved sustained, profitable growth by providing services that consistently satisfy the needs and expectations of its customers. This level of quality is achieved through the adoption of a system of procedures that reflect the competence of Bounce Fitness to existing customers, potential customers and independent auditing authorities.

Achievement of this policy involves all staff, who is individually responsible for the quality of their work resulting in a continually improving working environment for all. This policy is provided and explained to each employee by the Center Manager or in the case of Head Office employment, the General Manager Human Resources. To achieve and maintain the required level of assurance, the General Manager retains responsibility for the Quality System with routine operation controlled by the Centre Managers.

The objectives of the Quality Assurance System are:

  • To maintain an effective Quality Assurance System
  • To achieve and maintain a level of quality which enhances the Bounce Fitness' reputation with customers
  • To ensure compliance with relevant statutory and safety requirements
  • To endeavor, at all times, to maximize customer satisfaction with the services provided by Bounce Fitness.

You are given the responsibility to investigate the feasibility, benefits and practicality of entering into such a relationship with Fitness Australia. Make recommendations by discussing how Bounce Fitness is to manage its knowledge and information systems in the workplace covering the collection of information relevant to its business issues, analyze information and knowledge, take decisions on business issues identified and disseminate information to the organization.

Assessment Questions -

Task 1 - Obtain information relevant to business issues

Using the information, you have been provided with develop a report that discusses the following tasks:

1. Identify, define and analyze the business objective, problems and issues. Identify what information you will require to provide to the CEO and Board of Directors to allow them to make a decision.

2. Investigate the information on the Fitness Australia website. How do you know that the information you are gathering is reliable?

3. Check the information and ensure that the information you select to use is not contradictory or ambiguous by reviewing formal and informal communication networks to access corporate knowledge/ information.

4. Describe how the Bounce Fitness will implement, monitor and evaluate communication structures with informal or formal communication networks to ensure managing knowledge/ information efficiently.

i. Select at least two options as intervention strategies to achieve the desired performance outcomes.

ii. Submit your proposal to your trainer (who would represent senior management of the Bounce Fitness) by discussing it and obtain an approval for it to be implemented.

Task 2 - Analyze information and knowledge

5. Provide a description of the patterns or trends emerging by using a recently published report from Fitness Australia and provide your discussion (which should include the analysis of the statistics featured as part of your interpretation) on the selected relevant trends that may affect Bounce Fitness.

6. Based on Q4, discuss how the emerging trends in a 'what if analysis' and how it would impact Bounce Fitness?

7. How you have ensured that your analysis has been conducted using a logical approach to the evaluation and conclusions you have drawn?

8. What are the provisions for a contingency plan if there is a need to adjust any information collection systems currently in place? Briefly discuss on the recommendations to improve on information collection.

Task 3 - Take Decisions on business issues identified

9. How do you know that you have sufficient information to make valid, credible and reliable recommendations to the CEO and Board of Directors and that it is valid and reliable? Document your recommendations including the use of an information system to capture future information relevant to this project.

10. Determine acceptable courses of action by following the risk management plans you have put in place.

11. Provide your decision by following the quantitative methods and discuss why it is essential to consult with specialist to assist decision making

12. Ensured decisions taken on Bounce Fitness' information management are in accordance to meeting the organizational objectives, values and standards consistently; delegation/ accountability of the individual/ group responsible; in accordance with organizational guidelines and procedures, and; ensuring the appropriate implementation timeline and justification

Task 4 - Disseminate information to the organization

13. Discuss any factors, which may affect Bounce Fitness' Information Management including relevant legislation.

14. Develop a communications plan for Bounce Fitness and discuss how you would include periodic updates on this plan

15. Explain why is it important to design and test systems to meet information requirements of Bounce Fitness.

Attachment:- Assessment Template.rar

Reference no: EM131585431

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8/1/2017 2:41:10 AM

Australian student, no word limit, you need to fill all the answers in the file itself, all the theory part, practical part, math’s, everything should be complete, please don’t leave any question behind even if it is repeated, not a single empty box should be left. Assignment is not that much big, it’s just the info that’s making the assignment long. Resources required for this Assessment: All documents must be created using Microsoft Office suites i.e., MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Upon completion, submit the assessment printed copy to your trainer along with assessment coversheet. Refer the notes on SMC eLearning (Moodle) to answer the tasks and Any additional material will be provided by Trainer.


8/1/2017 2:41:01 AM

Instructions for Students - Please read the following instructions carefully - This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor. Students are allowed to take this assessment home. Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within 2 weeks of the assessment due date. Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency. If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor. Please refer to the College re-assessment and re-enrolment policy for more information.


8/1/2017 2:40:52 AM

Procedures and Specifications of the Assessment - You will be required to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to obtain, analyze information relevant to business issues and make decisions on identified business issues. Read all materials required for this assessment task: this procedure, the Bounce Fitness Simulated Business and information supplied in this scenario. In response to the Bounce Fitness Simulated Business (provided), you will develop a report on obtaining & analyzing information relevant to business issues, which addresses all questions in this task. Submit a management report that covers all of the listed requirements mentioned above. This report will forward to CEO and Board of Directors. Print and include any relevant documents that are used in support of the case context.

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