Identify current issue being debated about american security

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM131272627


Part A- APA Format, 1 Page (300 Words), 3 References

Virtual Teams: Making It Work

Virtual teams are composed of employees who are physically dispersed throughout the nation or around the world. They are linked by various forms of electronic technology. Face-to-face contact is usually minimal or nonexistent. Virtual teams face several challenges: time zone differences, which make quick information exchanges difficult, and cultural miscues, which can cause misunderstandings. When teams don't meet in person, its less likely they will develop the kind of chemistry common to productive teams that have face-to-face meetings. Many virtual teams are in continuous danger of becoming dysfunctional.

Recent research has identified certain traits and practices common to most virtual teams. Here are a few important rules for making these teams productive.

• Choose a few team members who already know each other. This will speed up the process of building networks among team members. Invest in online resources that help all team members quickly learn about one another.

• Ensure the task is meaningful to team members and the company. Assign tasks that are challenging and interesting.

• The virtual team should include "boundary spanners," persons who have many connections to useful people outside of the team.

• Develop a team mission statement along with teamwork expectations, project goals, and deadlines.

• Create an online site where team members can collaborate, exchange ideas, and motivate one another. The team should have a shared online work space that all members can access 24 hours a day.

• Encourage frequent communication and try to reach agreement about preferred communication tools.

• If you are a virtual team leader, find ways to mark team progress toward goals.

Instructions: Answer the questions below for this assignment. Keep in mind the information preceding the instructions when preparing your paper, and ensure that you follow the format for this assignment provided immediately following the Questions.


1. Which of the five dysfunctions of a team (presented in Chapter 12, Figure 12.3) would be the greatest barriers to virtual team productivity? Defend your answer.

2. What can be done to avoid information overload when the virtual team is made up of 25 to 30 members?

Write a 1 page paper regarding your findings, using APA format, Your paper must have an introduction, body, and conclusion. In addition, papers longer than 2 pages will not be read after the second page. As such, please ensure that all questions are answered within the first two pages, as your grade will be based on the first two pages received. Your paper must include a reference page, title page, and in-text citations for all listed references in accordance with the APA manual, 6th edition chapters 6 (citation formatting) and chapter 7 (reference/source formatting).

Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least three (3) supporting peer-reviewed references or sources (do NOT use your textbook as one of the three required references, Wikipedia, encyclopedias, unknown, undated, or anonymous sources, such as websites), include a reference section, and cite all listed references properly in your paper, in accordance with the 6th edition of the APA manual, chapters 6 & 7.

Part B- APA Fornat 350 Words, 4 References

This is part one of the class project assessments. Click here to see the overview of the assignments.

Complete a research essay on the government and national security. Remember this is being written for the president to read.

Terrorism, national defense, and border security are always hot topics. Here are the aspects and questions to address for this essay:

Identify a current issue being debated about American national security.

2. Explain two competing solutions to this problem.

3. Evaluate which one is preferable.

4. Address the responsibilities of each level of government, which are federal, state, and local. (Most of the essay will be about the federal government).


• 300 word minimum length, not including references listed at the end or footnotes if used.
• Incorporation of concepts and terms from the required readings.
• Inclusion of facts from a recent news article about the topic/solution.
• Correct spelling, grammar, and formatting, whether it's APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian.
• See the essay rubric for further details on grading.

Writing tip - Essays should be written in the third person perspective. (Avoid using "I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, you, your").

For each essay, choose a problem within the topic. What are two prominent competing solutions to this problem? Explain which one is better and why. How will the different levels of government be involved (federal, state and local)? This will require research into news recent news articles (published within four weeks of each assignment's due date). For each respective week, include relevant information from the required readings for that week too.

Reference no: EM131272627

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