Reference no: EM132401659
200425 - Economics - Western Sydney University
A First Nations Voice to the Parliament is a simple proposition: that Indigenous people should have a say in the laws and policies that affect their lives and communities.
Discuss the above statement in the light of the current socioeconomic circumstances confronting Indigenous Australians.
Essential Reading: Please see under Assessment 2 for the Readings:
- You are required to begin your Essay with a Thesis Statement.
- A good place to start your essay is to use the readings for week 5 and the Lecture notes.
- Please begin with the five (5) readings listed as Essential Readings under Assessments for Assessment 2.
- In addition, in vUWS under week 5, there are other readings referring to development strategies from the Australian Government and the Cape York Institute that take different approaches. As with the ‘Biddle' reading, the Cape York Institute follows a capabilities approach and you may want to use the capabilities approach to consider the issues.
- The final part of the assessment asks you to think about your own social position and how that has influenced your thinking about the best strategy to close the "true" gap as identified in this question. It should be seen as a caveat to your argument in the paper. That is, you can qualify your argument by stating that your views are affected by your own social position or strengthen your argument by explaining how you have derived your analysis from an ‘initial position'.
- You will need a minimum of 8 references including the 5 listed as essential reading. These could be academic articles and books, textbooks or United Nations or other organization's development proposals. Newspaper articles are not acceptable. Articles found on google should be from an authentic Sources or Institutions that may be used for Academic purposes.
Learning Outcome: Identify cultural issues in a variety of contexts and make recommendations for improved Business practice.
Article 1 - The Future of Indigenous Australia: Is there a path beyond the free market or welfare dependency? by J.C. Altman
Article 2 - Dealing with unfinished Indigenous business: The need for historical reflection by Dr Katrina Alford and Jan Muir