Reference no: EM133573754
Select a company, identify its competitive strategy, and identify how each of the six supply chain drivers (1: facilities, 2: inventory, 3: transportation, 4: information, 5: sourcing and 6: pricing) may be used to support its competitive strategy.
A specialty pesticide company is considering expanding its operations into Mexico, where its customers will primarily consist of the five commercial companies that dominate the consumption of specialty pesticides. Of the six distribution network designs presented in lecture, which would you recommend this company use? Explain how you arrived at your decision.
Identify a specific product (e.g. correct: cell phone, incorrect: electronics, communications) and explain the advantages and disadvantages each of the six network designs (1: manufacturing storage with direct shipping, 2: in-transit merge, 3: distributor storage with carrier delivery, 4: distributor storage with last-mile delivery, 5: manufacturer or distributor warehouse storage with consumer pick-up, and 6: retail storage with customer pick-up).