Identify characteristics that make good design effective

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13772846

Web Design and Readability

Organizing and designing web pages should start with a clear purpose and focus on the intended audience. Online readers expect speed and consistency and will quickly leave a site if it is difficult to navigate. Online readers prefer not to scroll horizontal and expect to easily find information from the site's homepage. Thus, technical writers need to write clear and concise content and create visually appealing websites. Too much text or flashy animations can be distracting for the reader, and too little creativity can make the site bland.

Search the Internet for an example of a website that is well designed and one that is poorly designed. Provide the links to each site. Identify the characteristics that make the good design effective and efficient. Include readability, use of colors, font, and the overall design of the website. Next, identify why the second website is poorly designed and what criteria you used to make your determination. Explain how the poor design is distracting to the reader and how this affects the readability of the content. Then, explain how you would correct the website's deficiencies. Make sure you include examples and ample details, and be sure the links that you share are academically appropriate.

Reference no: EM13772846

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