Reference no: EM133491051
Problem 1. Share the results of your CDC for North Carolina Tracking tool. You may provide a screenshot or include the link to your query by using the "Share" link above the map.
Problem 2. Also provide information on which indicator (i.e., vulnerability), measure, state, and year you chose for the tracking tool. What results appeared for your state?
Problem 3. Identify the characteristics (e.g., special considerations, health status, unique needs, etc.) of the vulnerable group you identified.
Problem 4. What barriers are potentially present for the vulnerable group you identified?
Problem 5. What ethical considerations would a human service professional want to be mindful of for this vulnerable group?
Problem 6. Identify at least two ethical principles (e.g., beneficence, autonomy, justice, fidelity, nonmaleficence, rationality, impartiality, etc.) that a helping professional should apply when working with this vulnerable group.