Identify case you have chosen to review and the diagnosis

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Reference no: EM132680127

The Case of Mary Melody
Mary Melody is a 46-year-old married woman with two children, ages 23 and 25. "I've been sad for most of my life. I've just felt down for as long as I can remember. I've been thinking of suicide on and off since I was 16 years old," she said. Mary goes on to say that she hates everything about herself: how she looks, how she talks, and how she acts around other people. She feels most comfortable in her room curled up in bed with the shades drawn and the lights out. "My kids are grown and they really don't need me. You might say my work in that department is done. They turned out okay but I just feel really hopeless. Now that the birds have left the nest, I don't have much of a purpose," she adds.

The Case of Nellie Bowman
Nellie Bowman is a 25-year-old graduate student. She starts her conversation with you by stating, "You know, I've lived a pretty normal life. Of course I've had the usual ups and downs. Then it happened. One night after a party, I came back to my apartment and I guess I forgot to lock the door. Some guy must have followed me. I woke up and he had a knife at my throat. My life flashed before my eyes. I don't really remember what happened next, but I remember jumping on the bed and screaming and he ran from the room. I called my roommate and she came right back to the apartment. I called my parents and the police. Filed the report, they didn't find the guy, but we changed all the locks and I thought I'd put it behind me. Then six months later, I woke up in the middle of the night and had this vague feeling of apprehension. All of a sudden my heart started pounding. Like I was having a heart attack. I started sweating and my chest hurt something awful. Right these and then I thought I was dying. It was really weird. I ran to my roommate's room, but it felt like I was moving in slow motion. It was like I was detached from the whole thing. Right away she called the ambulance. When they checked me out at the hospital the docs said I was just fine. Now I'm a little scared to be by myself for too long. Good thing I have my roommate. I'm afraid it might happen again."

For your discussion post:

Identify the case you have chosen to review and the diagnosis you would provide to either Nellie or Mary.

Provide your rationale for the diagnosis.

Discuss an intervention plan using the generalist intervention model that addresses the micro, mezzo, and macro systems. What kind of therapy would you provide this client, what kind of intervention would you provide for the family, and the community?

Reference no: EM132680127

Questions Cloud

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Describe one or two emerging technological innovations : Describe one or two emerging technological innovations that you think will significantly impact this trend or aspect of health care.
Identify case you have chosen to review and the diagnosis : Identify the case you have chosen to review and the diagnosis you would provide to either Nellie or Mary - Provide your rationale for the diagnosis
Describe how you might overcome the challenges : Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that currently exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policy review. Explain some of the challenge
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Explore the role of servant leadership in nursing practice : The purpose of this assignment is to assess leadership styles, traits, and practices as a nursing professional, establish the importance of effective.


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