Identify best mix of host-country and expatriate employees

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131163218


Chapter Overview. This chapter addresses the importance of effective employee relations. It explores the roles of managers and employee relations specialists, and it describes how they should work to coordinate an employee relations program. This chapter also presents a model of how communication works. Moreover, it explores specific policies that give employees access to important company information, as well as those that provide feedback to top managers. Last, the chapter examines some programs for recognizing employees' contributions (both individual and team) to company goals.

After reading this chapter, You should be able to deal more effectively with the following challenges:

1. Know the roles of the manager and the employee relations specialist.

2. Become aware of developing employee communications.

3. Learn practices for encouraging effective communications.

4. Describe employee recognition programs.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you understand the key terms on page 421. Your exam will cover this.

Answer the following questions from your text book (50 - 500 words for each question)


Chapter Overview. This chapter examines employee rights and employee discipline. The concepts of employee rights, management rights, and the employment-at-will doctrine are discussed. Some challenges managers encounter in balancing employee rights with their own rights and responsibilities (duties) are explored. Employee discipline is discussed, and some suggestions for managing difficult employees are offered. The chapter concludes with a discussion of how the HR department can support managers faced with employee discipline issues.

After reading this chapter, You should be able to deal more effectively with the following challenges:

Understand employee rights.

Understand management rights.

Become aware of employee rights challenges: a balancing act.

Learn practices for administering and managing discipline.

Develop competence for managing difficult employees.

Become aware of preventing the need for discipline with human resource management.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you understand the key terms on page 457. Your exam will cover this.

Answer the following questions from your text book (50 - 500 words for each question)

Question 14-1 and 14-5 on page 458.


Chapter Overview. This chapter demonstrates how managers can effectively utilize HRM practices to enhance their firms' competitive response in an era when the opportunities and challenges facing business are international in nature. It covers the stages of international involvement, the challenges of expatriate job assignments, and the ways to make those assignments more effective. It also discusses the development of HRM policies in a global context and the specific HR concerns of exporting firms.

After reading this chapter, you should be able to deal more effectively with the following challenges:

Specify the HRM strategies that are most appropriate for the firms at different stages of internationalization.

Identify the best mix of host-country and expatriate employees given the conditions facing the firm.

Explain the challenges of expatriate assignments.

Learn how to effectively manage expatriate assignments and minimize the chances of failure.

Develop HRM policies and procedures that match the needs and values of different cultures.

Consider ethical implications of HRM policies and procedures on a global basis.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you understand the key terms on page 560. Your exam will cover this.

Answer the following questions from your text book (50 - 500 words for each question)

Reference no: EM131163218

Questions Cloud

Compare the unemployment rate : Compare the unemployment rate (for the most current month available - Seasonally adjusted rates) of Men, 20 years and over and Women, 20 years and over. Interpret why you think there is a difference between two groups.
Determine primary and secondary target markets for company : Determine the primary and secondary target markets for your company. Next, analyze the primary and secondary target markets that you identified for your company. Be sure to cover the 4Ps, 5Cs and STP.
What is the present worth of the annuity : Petunia is receiving $43328.0 semi-annually (twice a year) from an annuity that pays a nominal annual rate of 5.0% compounded semi-annually. She will receive this for 15.0 years. What is the present worth of the annuity?
Find an approximate solution for the deflection : Consider a clamped rectangular plate (0 ≤ x ≤ a, 0 ≤ y ≤ b) with a concentrated load at the center. Find an approximate solution for the deflection and compare it with the following accurate results:
Identify best mix of host-country and expatriate employees : Specify the HRM strategies that are most appropriate for the firms at different stages of internationalization. Identify the best mix of host-country and expatriate employees given the conditions facing the firm. Explain the challenges of expatriate ..
Readings and knowledge gained in this module : Goal: Based on the course readings and knowledge gained in this module, students are to demonstrate their understanding of the four financial topics listed below:
Explain why rankings are given to employees : Explain how performance appraisals can be used as part of employee development. Explain why rankings are given to employees and the advantages and disadvantages of including rankings
Why a pituitary enlargement produces blurred vision : Why steroidal hormones need to penetrate plasma membrane of cells to produce their functions? - Why a pituitary enlargement produces blurred vision?
Economic performance during the past five years : Compare and contrast China and U.S economic performance during the past five years. Please make use of time series data on employment, inflation, GDP, and trade balances. Tables and graphs are strongly encouraged.


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