Identify barriers to employee engagement

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132623591

Question 1- What labour market trends might make it hard for the company in the case study to recruit and retain the staff they need? (AC1.1) (approx 300 words)

Question 2- Explain the significance of 'tight' and 'loose' labour markets (AC1.3) (approx 150 words)

Question 3- Assess, including strengths and weaknesses of two differing approaches that could be taken in the short term as a means of improving the organisation's ability to retain staff effectively. (AC3.2) (approx 300 words)

Question 4- Suggest reasons why people might choose to leave their organisation and explain the costs associated with this. This could include direct and indirect costs. (AC3.1) (approx 300 words)

Question 5- Explain how the organisation might position itself strategically within the labour market and the implications of this. E.g. competition, branding.(AC1.2) (approx 250 words)

Question 6- How might government, employers in general and trade unions (in a general sense) ensure that future skill needs are met? (AC1.4) (approx 250 words)

Question 7- What steps should the organisation take to ensure that future skills needs are met? To what extent and how might career and succession planning feature in the organisation's strategy? (AC2.2) (approx 250 words)

Question 8- The principles of effective workforce planning (e.g. gap analysis) and the tools used in the process (AC2.1) (approx 150 words)

Question 9- Key considerations when planning and conducting a downsizing of an organisation. (AC2.3) (approx 150 words)

Question 10- Guidance on practice in the development of job descriptions, person specifications and competency frameworks.(AC2.4) (approx 150 words)

Question 11- An explanation of the main legal requirements in relation to recruitment and selection. (AC2.5) (approx 150 words)

Question 12- An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of 2 different methods of recruitment and 2 of selection (AC2.6) (approx 300 words)

Question 13- Advice on good practice in the management of dismissals, retirements and redundancies that complies with current (UK and/or local) legislation - 3 separate sections (AC4.1) (approx 900 words)

Question 14- Title page and Executive Summary. (AC4.1) (approx 150 words)

Question 15- Introduction and theoretical context. (AC4.1) Provide an outline of what you would include here in a full report. This may be presented as a series of bullet points/statements as long as it is clear how these can be expanded to a full version. (approx 200 words)

Question 16- A stakeholder analysis. (AC4.1) Provide a summary stakeholder analysis identify level of interest and influence on the project (approx 200 words)

Question 17- Research methodology- justification for primary and secondary methods. (AC4.1) Include two tables: Table 1- Primary methods (method/justification for using) Table 2 - Secondary methods (method/justification for using) Construct Table 1 based on a scenario where you would actually conduct the research even though you will not be doing this. Your analysis in task 5 below will be based entirely upon secondary methods/sources. (approx 200 words)

Question 18- Data analysis - findings from the research - including diagrams. (AC4.1) This will be based entirely on secondary research. This section should be written in full, drawing upon the group research, but you should also build on this with your own research. You should include 2 3 graphical representation of data, (approx 1000 words)

Question 19- Conclusions. (AC3.1) Guidance: These can be listed as bullet points - but you should include brief comments on your level of confidence in each conclusion. Ensure that all conclusions can be cross-mapped to the analysis. (approx 200 words)

Question 20- Recommendations and employee health and well-being programme/plan - including costs. (AC3.1) Recommendations: these can be listed as bullet points/statements Plan: with timeline, who responsible, costs (approx 350 words)
5ENG part A

Question 21- An analysis of 'Employee Engagement,' including its principal dimensions and components, together with a comparison with related concepts. (AC1.1) (approx 250 words)

Question 22- A justification of the need for alignment between engagement practices and other corporate components (e.g mission) if the full benefits of high engagement are to be realised. (AC1.2) (approx 250 words)

Question 23- An identification of the principal drivers of employee engagement and offer an evaluation of the business benefits for key stakeholders - customers, employees, managers. (AC2.1) (approx 250 words)

Question 24- An explanation of how job design, discretionary behaviour, role autonomy and organisational citizenship contribute to employee engagement (AC2.2) (approx 250 words)
5ENG part B

Question 25- Evaluation of different diagnostic tools e.g. employee attitude surveys, focus groups, metrics such as employee turnover, absenteeism rates etc. (A.C. 3.1) (approx 500 words)

Question 26- Construct an EVP, identifying clearly the components, and explaining how these might be used to raise levels of employee engagement. (AC3.2) (approx 500 words)

Question 27- Identify barriers to employee engagement and explain how these might be overcome. (AC3.2) (approx 200 words)

Question 28- Explain how relevant HR strategies might raise levels of employee engagement. This could include resourcing, development, performance and communication strategies. (A.C. 3.3) (approx 300 words)

Reference no: EM132623591

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