Identify at least two job roles related to food handling

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Reference no: EM133583797

Use hygienic practices for food safety

Knowledge Assessment

Question 1
Access the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code in the link below.
Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
Where possible, refer to a current plain English version of this code.
Answer the following questions about food safety based on the food standards code accessed.
Answers must be based on Chapter 3: Food safety standards (Australia Only).

In your own words, define each of the following terms relevant to food safety below.
Include at least one example of each item in your response.
Term Relevant to Food Safety

Access Standards 3.1.1. Interpretation and application

Access Standards 3.1.1. Interpretation and application

Potentially Hazardous Food
Access Standards 3.2.2. Food safety practices and general requirements

In our own words, identify the four conditions when food is considered unsuitable.
Access Standards 3.1.1. Interpretation and Application

Access Standards 3.2.2. Food safety practices and general requirements to answer Knowledge Assessment Questions 1c-g.
In your own words, outline the seven main responsibilities of food businesses in relation to food safety.

Identify the two types of persons food businesses should not allow to participate in food handling activities.

Identify when food businesses can permit a previously excluded person to resume food handling activities.

In your own words, list the seven main responsibilities of food handlers in relation to food safety.

Identify the six instances when food handlers must wash their hands

Question 2
Access and review the food safety law applicable to your state/territory.
Where possible, refer to a current plain English version of the food safety law.
Answer the questions that follow.

Identify the food safety law applicable to your state/territory.

Outline the purpose of your state/territory food safety law.

Identify the penalty for persons handling food in an unsafe way.
Identify the penalty for persons selling unsafe food.
Outline the requirements of the food standards code to be followed in your state/territory.
Identify the penalty for persons who do not comply with the requirements of the food standards code.

Question 3
Complete the table below about local government regulators for food safety applicable to your state/territory.
List at least two food safety government regulators in your state/territory
Outline ALL the roles of each government regulator identified in relation to food safety

Question 4
Access your organisational policies and procedures on food safety.
Identify at least two consequences your organisation will face if food safety procedures are not followed.
The consequences identified must be applicable to your workplace identified in the preliminary task.

Question 5
Answer the following questions related to hygiene and food safety applicable to your workplace.

List at least two causes of food contamination due to poor hygiene in your workplace.
List at least two examples of hygiene-related causes of food-borne illnesses in your workplace.

List at least two examples of hygiene hazards related to food handling that commonly occur in your workplace.

List at least two examples of hygiene hazards related to food contact surfaces that commonly occurs in your workplace.

Question 6
Complete the table below on roles and responsibilities of food handlers in your workplace.
Identify at least two job roles related to food handling in your workplace.
Briefly describe the responsibility of each job role identified in relation to food handling.
Briefly describe how each job role must demonstrate hygienic practices based on their identified responsibility.

Question 7
Access your organisational policies and procedures on hygiene and food safety.
Outline the specific procedures to follow for each aspect of hygiene and food safety policies listed below.
Responses must be based on the policies and procedures accessed.
The specific procedures identified must be applicable to your workplace identified in the preliminary task.

Aspect of Hygiene and Food Safety Policies
Food Handling Activities
Health of Food Handlers
Hygiene of Food Handlers
Cleaning Procedures
Sanitising Procedures

Question 8
Complete the table below on health issues that may cause hygiene risks for food safety.
In your own words, define each health issue listed below.
List at least two examples of diseases for each health issue.

Health Issue
Airborne diseases

Food-borne diseases

Infectious diseases

Question 9
Outline the five hygiene best practices to follow to prevent food-borne illnesses.

Question 10
Outline the seven steps to follow for effective hand washing

Question 11
Answer the following questions about instances when handwashing is required.

Read the case study scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
Bret works as a sous chef in La Bellissima, a restaurant in The Continent Hotel. La Bellissima ensures that all food handlers follow hygiene protocols by asking all food handlers to wash their hands at appropriate times for food safety. Following their protocols, Bret ensures to wash his hands during the following instances:
Upon entering the kitchen.
Before starting food handling activities (e.g., preparing, cooking, plating).
Before recommencing food handling activities.
Bret ensures to consistently follow these protocols to minimise the risk of food contamination to food served at La Bellissima.

Identify the three instances Bret washes his hands.

List the ten instances when a food handler must immediately wash their hands.

Question 12
Briefly describe how to demonstrate effective hygiene practices in the workplace for the following factors listed below.
These hygiene practices must be applicable to your work role identified in the preliminary task.

Hygiene Factors
Make up
Body Odour
Your response must include hygienic practices relevant to ALL of the following:
Cleanliness of the hair
Managing long hair

Hygiene Factors
Your response must include hygienic practices relevant to ALL of the following:
Length of nails
Cleanliness of nails
Accessories on nails

Uniform or clothing

Hygiene Factors
Food-grade bandages
Your response must include hygienic practices relevant to ALL of the following:
Instances when wearing of bandages is required
Types of bandages to use

Practical Assessment

Assessment Overview

This workplace assessment requires you to use personal hygiene practices during food handling in line with organisational procedures.
This assessment is divided into two tasks:
Task 1: Use Hygienic Food Handling Practices
Task 2: Report Hygiene Hazards
You are required to complete the assessment tasks in an operational food preparation or service environment.
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow these instructions to complete the assessment. Each task will require you to demonstrate task requirements while being observed by the assessor.
Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss with you these instructions, resources, and guidance for satisfactorily completing the tasks.
You are required to:
Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.
Demonstrate hygienic food handling practices in the workplace
Follow organisational hygiene and food safety policies and procedures when completing food handling activities.
Report hygiene hazards that risk food safety in the workplace

Task 1: Use Hygienic Food Handling Practices

While being observed by your assessor, demonstrate hygienic food handling practices according to organisational policies and procedures on at least three occasions.
Each of the three occasions must relate to food handling activities within the scope of your job role. This can include working in any of the following:
Food preparation/cooking
Serving food to customers.
Access and review workplace documents relating to the following:
Organisational hygiene and food safety policies and procedures from your workplace.
These policies and procedures can be presented either as documents or diagrams like written documents or flowcharts
A copy of your job description
On each occasion of food handling:
Wear the following before conducting food handling activities:
Appropriate uniform for food handling task
Uniform will vary depending on the food handling task, e.g., for working in the kitchen and serving food to customers.
Personal protective equipment
Common personal protective equipment used in food handling include:
Face masks
Food handler gloves
Hair nets
Use effective personal hygiene practices before actual food handling activity.
Demonstrate correct handwashing procedures.
Prevent food contamination by demonstrating the following while handling food:
Avoid unnecessary direct contact with the following:
Other personal items
Ready-to-eat food
Ensure hygienic personal contact with the following:
Food contact surfaces
Use appropriate bandages and coverings, when required.
Use hygienic cleaning and sanitising practices to prevent food-borne illnesses after food handling activity.

Task 2: Report Hygiene Hazards
While being observed by your assessor, report each of the following hygiene hazards promptly according to organisational policies and procedures.
Unsafe practices that breach hygiene procedures
Food hazards within the food service area
The food service area is where food preparation and cooking are completed
Personal health issues that cause hygiene risk in food safety
Incident of food contamination resulting from personal health issue identified.
These hygiene hazards can be reported while completing Workplace Assessment Task 1.
Access and review workplace documents relating to the following:
Information on incidents of food contamination due to personal health issues.
Organisational hygiene and food safety policies and procedures.
Organisational policies and procedures relevant to reporting identified hygiene hazards. These policies and procedures must have information on reporting the following:
Unsafe practices that breach organisational hygiene procedures
Food hazards within the food service area
Personal health issues that cause hygiene risk in food safety
Incidents of food contamination resulting from personal health issues identified.
Unsafe Hygiene Practices During Food Handling Tasks
Identify at least two unsafe food handling practices in the workplace you observe while completing food handling tasks.
Report the above to at least one relevant personnel promptly and accurately.
Relevant personnel to report to must be according to organisational policies and procedures for reporting unsafe hygiene practices.

Food Hazards in the Food Service Area
For each of the following, identify at least two food hazards that affect their health and safety within the food service area:
These food hazards will affect the health and safety of those who prepare, cook, serve, or consume the food.
Remove or minimise each identified food hazard
Report the above to at least one relevant personnel.
Relevant personnel to report to must be according to organisational policies and procedures for reporting food hazards.
Personal Health Issues That Cause Hygiene Risk
Identify at least two personal health issues that may cause hygiene risk during food handling activities.
Stop participation in all food handling activities where there is a risk of food contamination due to personal health issues.
Identify at least two incidents of food contamination caused by personal health issues identified.
Incidents identified can be caused by at least one of the personal health issues identified.
Report the following to at least one relevant personnel:
Identified personal health issues.
Food handling activity stopped participation due to identified personal health issues.
Identified incidents of food contamination caused by identified personal health issues.
Relevant personnel to report to must be according to organisational policies and procedures. Reporting must relate to personal health issues and incidents of food due to personal health issues.

Reference no: EM133583797

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