Reference no: EM133410675
The pressure was on again Patrick was receiving several complaints about the waste management plant. Residents from the area blamed the plant for their headaches and respiratory illnesses of their children. As Patrick reviewed the research there wasn't anything relating the waste plant to the problems being experienced in the community. The residents contacted the media, and the Ministry of Health, and had now organized a March to coincide with a visit to the area by the Prime Minister.
Patrick called the managers to a meeting. Some managers were of the view that the report did not adequately deal with the potential problems that could come about from the odourless fumes and felt that the plant should be closed until this matter was properly researched. Others believed that such a move was too costly. After discussing the issues, the Public Relations Manager was asked to make a public statement. The statement read:
There is absolutely no evidence that the residents ailments are as a result of the plant, and as such Max Manufacturing cannot take responsibility for the sudden illness of some residents of the community.
The residents decided to step up their demonstrations and staged daily demonstrations at the plant and corporate offices of Max Manufacturing.
1. Identify at least three stakeholders citing the interest of each.
2. What would be your considerations from a (a) utilitarian perspective (b) rights perspective.
3. In your view did the Company handle the situation appropriately?
Support your answers fully and with reference to your text/s (literature/readings)