Identify areas of curriculum necessary for students

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Reference no: EM131673131 , Length: word count : 1250

Write an essay of 1,000-1,250 words in which you address the following:

1. Define intellectual disability, autism, and multiple disabilities, their causes, and the impact of the disabilities on the education of the student with intellectual disability.

2. Identify areas of curriculum necessary for students with mild to moderate disabilities and explain why they are needed.

Reference no: EM131673131

Questions Cloud

Describe the physical environment and stress level : Describe the physical environment, stress level, type of supervision, customer/client contact, hours, work related travel, etc.
Relationship between nonverbal immediacy and technology : Social power in the classroom. Witt and Schrodt (2006) tested the relationship between nonverbal immediacy.
Who is responsible for childhood obesity : Who is responsible for childhood obesity? Were you surprised by the Fruit Versus Rock experiment? Why or why not?
Discuss problem-self-construal and comparison standard : Self-construal and comparison standard. Cheng and Lam (2007) noted that some people think of themselves independently of others (independent self-construal).
Identify areas of curriculum necessary for students : Identify areas of curriculum necessary for students with mild to moderate disabilities and explain why they are needed.
What is the appropriate next step for the given problem : Rodent species and sociality. Freitas, El-Hani, and da Rocha (2008) tested the hypothesis that rodent species (four different species) and sex (male, female).
Determine the history of various diseases : Identify a factor (a trend, advancement, or disease) that has impacted longevity in the United States since 1900.
Compare the four data types : Compare the four data types and discuss their relative strengths and weaknesses. Write a 4-page paper in Microsoft Word format that addresses
Discuss significant main effect or interaction evident : Emoticons (facial feedback) withe-learning. Tung and Deng (2007) studied how emoticons (computerized facial expressions) and sex influenced intrinsic.


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