Reference no: EM132324018 , Length: 10
Individual Assignment Part
Part 1: Individual Research Report on a CMMI Process Area other than those covered in UPEDU
- Choose a process area that can be applied to (further) an aspect of your group project. Research relevant tools/ technologies that support the implementation of the process.
- Based on your chosen topic, with reference to at least 5 highly relevant journal/magazine articles, including case studies, prepare a 2500 words report to summary what you have learned for sharing with others. Your report should address the following questions:
• Why: Why do we need it? What problems the technology/ process is trying to address?
• What: The nature and significance of the process area, along with the supporting tools/technologies in terms its conceptual/theoretical foundation and practical application. What are the main ideas or themes found in your reading? (i.e., a brief summary of what you read about the topic). What are the challenges in further the technology/ process?
• How: Demonstrate how to apply the technology/process:
a) Present a case study: an example from your research or personal experience.
b) Apply the technology/process to your group project.
c) Identify areas of application outside of the context of Software Engineering
Part 2: Participation of Class Discussion
Marks awarded at lecturer/tutor's discretion.
Additional Guide:
Your report may be structured as follows:
1. Introduction (importance and challenges of software configuration and change management)
2. Overview of Best Practices
3. Change management process for small projects* (roles, activities, artifacts, supporting tools/technologies)
4. Process application through case study
5. Conclusion and Bibliography
Presentation quality (including report structure, language use and the presence of value-added tables and diagrams) is valued as 10% of the overall assignment.
*Small projects are those involve less than 10 people, take less than 1 year to complete.
The report is to be produced using a word-processor. Diagrams may be hand-drawn and photo-copied onto the relevant page. The report should have a title and identify the author.
The report is to be no more than 8 single-side A4-pages (excluding cover, table of content and appendices) with a size 12 font and at least single-spacing. Anything beyond this limit will be ignored.
Any tables or diagrams used must be suitably labelled and cross-referenced within the text.
You are advised to reference the relevant sections in the CMMI process framework, as well as at least five other bibliographical references (other than the textbook and lecture slides).
The references can provide support material or further information. They should be referenced in the report using the [1] convention and listed in the Bibliography accordingly.
There is an immense amount of material on this topic available. You only need to source enough material to feel confident that you have the appropriate amount of material for the purpose of the report.
Each student must ensure that the report is in their own words and any material directly sourced from the work of others is properly acknowledged. Direct quotes should be clearly indicated and should be kept to a minimum.